Fellows of the Center, 1978–2024 | National Humanities Center

Fellows of the Center, 1978–2024

Fellows of the National Humanities Center are listed with the years during which they held fellowships, their university departments or principal fields of study, the institutions with which they were affiliated at the time of their fellowships, and the titles of the projects they undertook at the Center.




Richard Abel (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

Drake University

A History of French Cinema, 1906-1914

Joni Adamson (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

Arizona State University

Desirable Futures: Cosmos, Canon, and Constellations of Practice in the Environmental Humanities

Joseph Adelson (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

University of Michigan

Adolescent Political Thinking

Adeshina Afolayan (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

University of Ibadan

Philosophy in the Dancehall: Philosophy and Popular Music in Postcolonial Nigeria

John Agresto (NHC Fellow, 1978–79; 1979–80)

Kenyon College

Civic Morality and Democratic Government

Kenyon College

A Common Past: Women in Middle Eastern History

Leila Ahmed (NHC Fellow, 1982–83)

University of Massachusetts Amherst

A Common Past: Women in Middle Eastern History

Rafiuddin Ahmed (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

Elmira College

Religious Symbols and Political Mobilization: The Bengal Muslims, 1905-1947

Azizah al-Hibri (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

University of Richmond

The Muslim Marriage Contract in America

Michael C. Alexander (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

University of Illinois Chicago

Ordinary Crime in the Late Roman Republic

Wye J. Allanbrook (NHC Fellow, 1986–87; 2003–04)

St. John's College

Characteristic Styles in Classic Music: A Study in the Theory of Musical Expression

University of California, Berkeley

Happy Endings: Comic Musical Theater from Lully to Sondheim

John J. Allen (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

University of Kentucky

Commercial Playhouses in Golden Age Spain

Marcus Anthony Allen (NHC Fellow, 2020–21)

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Is Poverty Always Poverty?: Understanding Black Capitalism in 19th Century Baltimore

Robert C. Allen (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Nineteenth-Century Popular Entertainment

Valia Allori (NHC Fellow, 2017–18)

Northern Illinois University

Quantum Mechanics and its Metaphysics: Primitive Ontology, Metaphysical Neutrality, and the Role of the Wave Function in Quantum Theories

Jacqueline Álvarez-Rosales (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

Spelman College

Discourses around the African Diaspora in Bolivia: From the Colonial Period to the Dawn of the National Life

José Amador (NHC Fellow, 2017–18)

Miami University

Transitioning in Brazil: Gender Policing, Trans Activism, and the Politics of Health

David R. Ambaras (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

North Carolina State University

Empire of Drifters: Life and Death on the Margins of Japan's Asia

Barbara R. Ambros (NHC Fellow, 2013–14)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Shamans, Nuns, and Demons: Women in Japanese Religions

Sahar Amer (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Border Crossings: Representations of Gender in Medieval French and Arabic Literatures

Fred Anderson (NHC Fellow, 2012–13)

University of Colorado Boulder

Imperial America, 1672-1764

Judith H. Anderson (NHC Fellow, 1995–96)

Indiana University Bloomington

Translations: The Limits of Metaphor in Early Modern England

Quentin Anderson (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

Columbia University

Individualism and Consensus in the United States

T. J. Anderson (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

Tufts University

A Work for Clarinet and String Quartet

Naomi André (NHC Fellow, 2022–23)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Writing Opera, Singing Blackness in the United States

Mark Antliff (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Duke University

The Advent of Fascism: Myth, Art, and Ideology in France

Audrey L. Anton (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

Western Kentucky University

Aristotle's Vice

Carla M. Antonaccio (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

Wesleyan University

Excavating Colonization

Louise M. Antony (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

North Carolina State University

Meanings: Inside and Out

Maroun Aouad (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

Centre national de la recherche scientifique

The Fate of the Arabic Commentaries on Aristotle's Rhetoric in the Latin Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Kwame Anthony Appiah (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

Duke University

Idealization and Human Understanding

Lorraine V. Aragon (NHC Fellow, 2010–11)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Arts and Owners: Intellectual Property, Cultural Heritage, and Indonesian Arts

Yehoshua Arieli (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

History and Politics

David Armitage (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

Columbia University

The Ideological Origins of the British Empire

A. James Arnold (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

University of Virginia

(Re)-Writing the Caribbean; Essay in Literary Historiography

Ásta (NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

San Francisco State University

Categories We Live By

Keletso E. Atkins (NHC Fellow, 1995–96)

University of Michigan

'Questionable Haven': South Africa as an Immigration Site for Freed Slaves and Their Descendants from North America, c. 1784-1870

Derek Attridge (NHC Fellow 2014–15; 2016–17)

University of York

Poetry in Performance from Homer to the Renaissance: The Middle Ages

University of York

Poetry in Performance from Homer to the Renaissance


Ana Mariella Bacigalupo (NHC Fellow, 2009–10; 2023–24)

University at Buffalo

The Subversive Politics of Sentient Mountains: Collective Ethics and Climate Justice in Northern Peru

University at Buffalo

Shamanic Memory and Historical Consciousness: The Making of Francisca Colipe and Her Mapuche Community in Chile

Ernst Badian (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

Harvard University

(1) Studies on Alexander the Great; (2) The Consuls of the Roman Republic, 200-49 B.C.

Tista Bagchi (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

University of Delhi

The Simplex Sentence as a Unit of Grammar and Reasoning

Kurt Baier (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

University of Pittsburgh

The Moral Order

Melissa Bailes (NHC Fellow, 2020–21)

Tulane University

Romantic Botany: Time, Empire, and Ineffability in British Literature, 1750-1830

Candace Bailey (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

North Carolina Central University

Women, Music, and the Performance of Gentility in the Mid-Nineteenth Century South

Jordanna Bailkin (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

University of Washington

Making Faces: Economies of Color in Imperial Britain

Lee D. Baker (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Duke University

Anthropology and the Racial Politics of Culture, 1892-1968

Lynne Rudder Baker (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

Middlebury College

Realism and Moral Action

Houston A. Baker, Jr. (NHC Fellow, 1982–83)

University of Pennsylvania

African-American Narrative and the Anthropology of Art

Shaul Bakhash (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

Independent Scholar (United States of America)

Islam and Commerce in Iran

Anthony Bale (NHC Fellow, 2012–13)

Birkbeck, University of London

Remaking Calvary and the Legible Landscape: Memory and Feeling in Space and Time

Allen B. Ballard (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

The City College of New York

The Emergence of the Black Middle Class—The Case of Philadelphia

Edward J. Balleisen (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

Duke University

Suckers, Swindlers, and an Ambivalent State: A History of Commercial Fraud in America

Angelika Bammer (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

Emory University

Mother Tongues and Other Strangers: Discourses of Foreignness in Twentieth-Century Literature

William M. Banks (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

University of California, Berkeley

Intellectualism, Ethnic Commitment, and the Shaping of Black Scholarship

Lance Banning (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

University of Kentucky

James Madison and the Founding, 1780-1792

Weihong Bao (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

University of California, Berkeley

Background Matters: Set Design and the Art of Environment in Modern China

Dorit Bar-On (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Expression, Action, and Meaning

Emily Baragwanath (NHC Fellow, 2020–21)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Xenophon’s Women

Lluís Barbé (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Distribution Theory: Gifts, Shifts and Thrifts

Malcolm Barber (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

University of Reading

The Cathars

Ian Barbour (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

Carleton College

Energy Options and Human Values

Peter W. Bardaglio (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

Goucher College

Rape by Fraud: Men, Women, and Sexual Assault in the Nineteenth Century South

Evelyn Barish (NHC Fellow, 1993–94)

City University of New York

Paul de Man in his Times

Karen Barkey (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)

Columbia University

Divergent Paths to Nationhood in the Early Twentieth Century

John Levi Barnard (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

The Edible and the Endangered: Food, Empire, and the Biopolitics of Extinction

Mary E. Barnard (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

The Pennsylvania State University

The Gods in Garcilaso de la Vega: Renaissance Rewritings of Pagan Myths

Juliana Barr (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

Duke University

La Dama Azul: A Native Story of Colonialism

William Barrett (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

New York University

A Study of Intellectual Life in the Post-War Years (1940s and 1950s)

Katherine T. Bartlett (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

Duke University

Negotiating Tradition in Law: An Historicist Approach

Christopher Baswell (NHC Fellow, 1993–94)

Barnard College of Columbia University

Contested Words in the High Middle Ages

Bradley W. Bateman (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

Grinnell College

The Force of the River Itself: The Social Gospel and American Economics

Jacob M. Baum (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

Texas Tech University

The Deaf Shoemaker: Ability, Disability, and Daily Life in the Sixteenth Century

Anne Margaret Baxley (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Virginia Tech University

Kant's Theory of Virtue: The Importance of Autocracy

Edna G. Bay (NHC Fellow, 1993–94)

Emory University

Women and Power in Dahomey (West Africa)

Mia Bay (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

The Ambidexter Philosopher: Thomas Jefferson in Black Thought, 1776-1877

Michael D. Bayles (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

University of Western Ontario

Principles of Law

Robert Beachy (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

Goucher College

Gay Metropolis: Berlin and the Creation of Modern Homosexuality, 1890-1933

George Bealer (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

University of Colorado Boulder

Philosophical Limits of Science

Joseph Beatty (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

Williams College

A Rational Justification of Moral Principles

Harlan R. Beckley (NHC Fellow, 1995–96)

Washington and Lee University

Equality of Opportunity: Revising and Renewing a Neglected Idea

Sarah Beckwith (NHC Fellow, 1994–95; 2012–13)

University of Pittsburgh

Signifying God: Social Relation and Symbolic Act in York's Play of Corpus Christi

Duke University

Shakespeare and the Names of Action

Jason David BeDuhn (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

Northern Arizona University

Digital Enhancement, Editing, Translation, and Analysis of the "Dublin Kephalaia"

Erin Beeghly (NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

The University of Utah

Seeing Difference: The Ethics and Epistemology of Stereotyping

Tom Beghin (NHC Fellow, 2002–03)

University of California, Los Angeles

Performaing Rhetoric: Joseph Haydn's Keyboard Sonatas as Musical Orations

Nicola Beisel (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Northwestern University

Race and the Politics of Abortion in America

Janet Beizer (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

University of Virginia

Vicarious Lives: Autobiography in Contemporary Women's Biography

David F. Bell (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

Duke University

Circumstances: Chance in the Literary Text

Barbara L. Bellows (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 1985–86)

Middlebury College

Tempering the Wind: The Southern Response to Urban Poverty, 1820-1860

Hedva Ben-Israel (NHC Fellow, 1985–86)

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Moral Judgment in Modern Historiography

Jill C. Bender (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Assisted Emigrants: Irish Female Migration Projects and the British Empire

Philip Benedict (NHC Fellow, 1993–94)

Brown University

Calvinism and Society: The Reformed Tradition in Europe to 1700

Judith M. Bennett (NHC Fellow, 1993–94)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Women's Work in a Changing World: Women and Brewing in England, c. 1200-1600

C. David Benson (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

University of Connecticut

Poetic Variety and Conflict in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

Susan Porter Benson (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

University of Missouri

Working-Class Families in the World of Consumption, 1880-1960

Martin A. Berger (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

University of California, Santa Cruz

Inventing Stereotype: Race, Art, and 1920s America

Charles Bergquist (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

Duke University

Workers in the Export Sector and Twentieth-Century Latin American History: Six Case Studies

Theodore A. Bergren (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

University of Richmond

Commentaries on 5 and 6 Ezra

Philip Berk (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

University of Rochester

Rabelaisian Hermeneutics: Pantagruel

Paul F. Berliner (NHC Fellow, 1996–97; 2010–11)

Northwestern University

Creativity, Transmission, and Change in Zimbabwe's Mbira Music Community: 1971-97

Duke University

Biographies of Mbira Maestro Cosmas Magaya and Jazz Prodigy Booker Little

Harold J. Berman (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

Harvard University

The Western Legal Tradition

Reinhard Bernbeck (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

Freie Universität Berlin

Material Traces of Nazi Terror. Reflections on History, Experience, and Memory

Celeste-Marie Bernier (NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

University of Nottingham

Living Parchments: Artistry and Authorship in the Life and Works of Frederick Douglass

Michael A. Bernstein (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

University of California, San Diego

American Economics in the American Century: The State and Modern Economic Thought

Neil W. Bernstein (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

Ohio University

Narrative, Equity, and Community in the Pseudo-Quintilianic Major Declamations

Sara Bernstein (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

Duke University

What Might Have Been: Causation and Possibility

Daina Ramey Berry (NHC Fellow, 2007–08; 2008–09)

Michigan State University

Appraised, Bartered, and Sold: The Value of Human Chattels, 1790-1865

Michigan State University

Appraised, Bartered, and Sold: The Value of Human Chattels, 1790-1865

Mary Elizabeth Berry (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

University of California, Berkeley

Why Work So Hard? Opportunity, Profit, and Pleasure in Early Modern Japan

Sylvia Berryman (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

The Ohio State University

Attraction and the Power of the Void

Lance Bertelsen (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

The University of Texas at Austin

John Wilkes and the Popular Media

Alan D. Beyerchen (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

The Ohio State University

James Franck and the Social Responsibility of the Scientist

Giorgio Biancorosso (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

The University of Hong Kong

Soft Technologies of the Virtual: Music and Temporal Perspective

Anat Biletzki (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

Quinnipiac University

Philosophical Investigations into Human Rights

Jodi Bilinkoff (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Confession and the Construction of Identities 1450-1750

Henry C. Binford (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

Northwestern University

The Invention of the Slum in America, 1840-1890

Colin Bird (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

University of Virginia

Communities of Respect

Robert Bireley (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Loyola University Chicago

The Jesuits and the Thirty Years War

Rüdiger Bittner (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

Universität Bielefeld

Do We Have a Will?

Richard Bjornson (NHC Fellow, 1982–83)

The Ohio State University

Literature and National Identity in Cameroon

Max Black (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

Cornell University

Models of Rationality

Kalman P. Bland (NHC Fellow, 2002–03)

Duke University

Animals, Technology, and Souls: Human Identity in Medieval Jewish Thought

Paula Blank (NHC Fellow, 2001–02; 2012–13)

College of William & Mary

On Equal Terms: Shakespeare and the (Mis-)Measurement of Renaissance Man

College of William & Mary

Shakespeare and Modern English

Vincent Blasi (NHC Fellow, 1993–94; 1995–96)

Columbia University

The Ideas of the First Amendment

Columbia University

The Ideas of the First Amendment

Geoffrey Blodgett (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

Oberlin College

The Presidencies of Grover Cleveland

Nicolas Bock (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

Université de Lausanne

About Titles

Belle Boggs (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

North Carolina State University

Big Yellow Bus: The Essential American History of a Disappearing Public Good

Nicholas Boggs (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

Independent Scholar (United States of America)

Baldwin: A Love Story

Edyta M. Bojanowska (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

Yale University

Empire and the Russian Classics

Mark Evan Bonds (NHC Fellow, 1995–96; 2021–22)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Music of Ideas: The Culture of the Symphony in the Age of Beethoven

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Music's Fourth Wall and the Rise of Modern Listening

Matthew Morse Booker (Vice President for Scholarly Programs; NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

North Carolina State University

The Oyster and the City: The Rise and Fall of the Edible City, 1870-1930

Joseph Allen Boone (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

University of Southern California

The Homoerotics of Orientalism: Mappings of Male Desire in Narratives of the Near and Middle East

William James Booth (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

Duke University

Masters and Servants: Reflections on Marxism and Its Origins

Francesca Bordogna (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

Northwestern University

Traveling Philosophers: The Constitution of an International Pragmatist Network, 1890-1920

Daniel E. Bornstein (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Texas A&M University

An Italian Church: Religion, Culture and Society in Late Medieval Cortona

Luca Boschetto (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

Independent Scholar (Italy)

Economy, Politics and Law in Renaissance Florence: The Court of the Mercanzia, 1394-1577

William J. Bouwsma (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 1983–84; 1984–85)

University of California, Berkeley

John Calvin

University of California, Berkeley

John Calvin

Bernard Romaric Boxill (NHC Fellow, 1985–86)

University of South Florida

Moral Issues in Development

Barbara Weiden Boyd (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

Bowdoin College

Ovid's Homer: Tradition, Authority, and Epic Reception

M. C. Bradbrook (NHC Fellow, 1978–79; 1980–81)

University of Cambridge

John Webster: Citizen and Dramatist

University of Cambridge

Drama and Society in London, 1600-1616

Graham Bradshaw (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

University of St Andrews

Poetic Drama and Music Drama as Metaphor

Andrea Brady (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

Queen Mary University of London

Poetry and Bondage: A New History of Lyric

Thomas A. Brady, Jr. (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

University of California, Berkeley

German Histories in the Age of Reformation

David Brakke (NHC Fellow, 2022–23)

The Ohio State University

A Religion of the Books: The New Testament and Other Early Christian Scriptural Practices

Jessica Brantley (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

Yale University

Medieval Ways of Seeing: Image, Text, Artifact

Theresa Braunschneider (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

Washington and Lee University

Reforming the Coquette: Consumption, Education and Female Sexuality in British Literature, 1660-1750

Irus Braverman (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

University at Buffalo

Settling Nature: The Biopolitics of Conservation in Palestine/Israel

Padraig A. Breatnach (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

University College Dublin

Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts, Brussels

T. H. Breen (NHC Fellow, 1983–84; 1995–96)

Northwestern University

A Social and Cultural History of Early America, 1607-1763

Northwestern University

An Empire of Goods

Winifred Breines (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

Northeastern University

The Trouble Between Us: White Women, Black Women, The Movement Years

Holly Brewer (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

North Carolina State University

Inheritable Blood: Of Slavery and Freedom, Aristocracy and Empire in Early Virginia and the British Atlantic

Brandi C. Brimmer (NHC Fellow, 2020–21)

Spelman College

The Other Douglass: Frederick C. Douglass, A Black Freedom Fighter in the Post-Reconstruction South

Alan Brinkley (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

Harvard University

The Transformation of New Deal Liberalism, 1937-1945

Cynthia Brokaw (NHC Fellow, 2012–13)

Brown University

Transforming the Frontier: Education, Book Culture, and the Rise of "Sichuan Learning"

Christopher W. Brooks (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

Durham University

Law, Politics and Society in England, 1485–1660

Cleanth Brooks (NHC Fellow, 1978–79; 1979–80; 1980–81)

Durham University

The Relation of Extrinsic to Intrinsic in Literary Criticism

Yale University

Literary Interpretation

Thomas Brothers (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Duke University

Crossing and Passing in Musical New Orleans, 1890-1920

Peter W. H. Brown (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

The British Academy

Gibbon's Use of His Sources

Thomas J. Brown (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

University of South Carolina

The Reconstruction of American Memory: Civic Monuments of the Civil War

Vincent Brown (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

Duke University

The Coromantee Wars: An Archipelago of Insurrection

Christopher R. Browning (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Remembering Survival: The Factory Slave Labor Camps of Starachowice, Poland

William Craft Brumfield (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

Tulane University

National Identity in 19th-Century Russian Architecture

W. Fitzhugh Brundage (NHC Fellow, 1995–96)

Queen's University of Charlotte

Making History: Historical Memory in the American South, 1880 to the Present

Kristen Brustad (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

Emory University

Arabic from Empire to Nation: A Study in Language Ideology

Caroline Bruzelius (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Duke University

The Mendicant Challenge and the Cathedral Response: Lay Burial and its Impact on the Medieval City

Chad Bryant (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Encountering Prague: Place and Everyday Life in a Central European City

Allen Buchanan (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

University of Arizona

Humanitarian Intervention, Ethics, and the Rule of Law

Oleg Budnitskii (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

HSE University

“The Red Army is Not Ideal”: Soviet Soldiers’ Violence Against Civilians, 1939–1947

Theodore E. Buehrer (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

Kenyon College

Mary's Ideas: Mary Lou Williams' Development as a Big Band Composer

Marcus Bull (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Eyewitness and Narration: Texts of Conflict and Cultural Encounter Between the Eleventh and Sixteenth Centuries

Melissa Meriam Bullard (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Letters of Lorenzo de'Medici and the Language of Diplomacy in the Renaissance

David Neale Bunn (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

University of Johannesburg

An Unnatural State: Boundary Identities in South Africa's Kruger National Park

Bibi Burger (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

University of Cape Town

The Whiteness of Afrikaans Literary Feminism

Richard M. Burian (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

Virginia Tech University

Handling Heredity: A Century of Heredity in French Biology

Trevor Burnard (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

University of Warwick

Tropical Transformations: St. Domingue, Jamaica and the Making of Racial Order

Ian Burney (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

University of Manchester

A History of Innocence: Erle Stanley Gardner, the Court of Last Resort, and the Pursuit of Wrongful Conviction in Cold War America

Scott Burnham (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Princeton University

Mozart, Schubert, and the Music of Romantic Subjectivity

Kathryn Burns (NHC Fellow, 2002–03)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Truth and Consequences: Scribes and the Colonization of Latin America

Orville Vernon Burton (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Localism and Nationalism in the Confederacy: Community in Crisis

Jonathan A. Bush (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Santa Clara University

The American Nuremberg Trials, 1946–1949

Richard Lyman Bushman (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

Columbia University

Farm Life in Early America, 1700-1850

Amy Turner Bushnell, 2009–2010

Brown University

Containing the Atlantic World in the Americas, 1493-1825

James Buzard (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Anywhere's Nowhere: Fictions of Autoethnography in the United Kingdom

Judith A. Byfield (NHC Fellow, 2007–08)

Cornell University

“The Great Upheaval”—The Egba Women’s Tax Revolt: Gender and Nationalist Politics in Nigeria, 1945-1954

Vance Byrd (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

Grinnell College

Listening to Panoramas: Sonic and Visual Cultures of Commemoration


Douglas A. Campbell (NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

Duke University

Depicting Paul: The Book of Acts and History

Mary Baine Campbell (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)

Brandeis University

The Literatures of Travel, Fantasy and Anthropology, 1557-1726

David Cannadine (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

University of London

The Penguin History of Nineteenth-Century Britain

Nicholas Canny (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

National University of Ireland Galway

Ireland in the English Colonial System, 1580-1700

Maggie M. Cao (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Painting and the Making of American Empire‚ 1830­–1898

Charles Capper (NHC Fellow, 1994–95; 2002–03)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Margaret Fuller: The Public Years

Boston University

The Transcendentalist Moment: Romantic Intellect and America's Democratic Awakening

Charles Caramello (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

University of Maryland

Henry James, Gertrude Stein, and the Location of Self

Sebastián Carassai (NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Eclipsed Histories: The Sixties and Seventies in Argentina From a Microhistorical Perspective

Luis Cárcamo-Huechante (NHC Fellow, 2013–14)

The University of Texas at Austin

The Sounds of an Indigenous Nation: Sonic Poetics and Politics in Contemporary Mapuche Culture in Chile

Charles Carlton (NHC Fellow, 1985–86)

North Carolina State University

Archbishop William Laud, 1573-1645

David L. Carlton (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

Vanderbilt University

Strategies of Southern Development: The Case of North Carolina, 1865-1945

Annemarie Weyl Carr (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Southern Methodist University

Pursuing the Life of an Icon: The Panagia of Kykkos

Vincent Carretta (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

University of Maryland

The Satiric Career of George III

David Carrier (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

Case Western Reserve University

A Multicultural Art History

Peter J. Carroll (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

Northwestern University

“This Age of Suicide”: Modernity, Society, and Self in China, 1900-1957

Ashley Carse (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

Vanderbilt University

The Age of Mitigation: Global Shipping and a River on Life Support

John Carson (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

University of Michigan

Mental Ability and Medical Jurisprudence in Nineteenth-Century England and America

Dan T. Carter (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

Emory University

George Wallace and the Transformation of American Politics, 1963–1976

J. Kameron Carter (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

Duke University

Du Bois, Religion, and the Black Intellectual Imagination, 1888-1935

Tim Carter (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Let ’Em Eat Cake: Political Musical Theater in 1930s America

Scott E. Casper (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

University of Nevada, Reno

Sarah Johnson's Mount Vernon: African-American Life at an American Shrine, from Slavery to Jim Crow

Lisa Earl Castillo (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

Independent Scholar (Brazil)

Between Memory, Myth and History: Atlantic Voyages in the Rise of an Afro-Brazilian Temple (Bahia, Brazil, 1810-1910)

Douglass Cater (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

Washington College

(1) The Samll Liberal Arts College: Prospects for the Future; (2) A Retrospective on Life among American Politicians

Hiram Caton (NHC Fellow, 1982–83)

Griffith University

The Politics of Progress

Steven C. Caton (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

University of California, Santa Cruz

War and Word: Dialectics of Violence and Mediation in Tribal Yemen

Andrew Cayton (NHC Fellow, 2012–13)

Miami University

Imperial America, 1672-1764

Christopher S. Celenza (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Michigan State University

Intellectuals and Ritual: Late Antiquity and the Search for Ancient Wisdom in Early Modern Europe

John W. Cell (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

Duke University

Biography of Lord Hailey (1872-1969)

Jane Turner Censer (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

American University

The Old Elite Faces the New Order: Virginia and North Carolina Planters, 1860-1885

William H. Chafe (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

Duke University

Coming of Age: A Social History of the United States, 1940-1980

Ruth Chang (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Making It Matter

James Chappel (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

Duke University

Old Volk: The Invention of Old Age in Modern Germany

George Chauncey (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

The University of Chicago

American Culture and the Making of the Modern Gay World, 1935-1975

Jinhua Chen (NHC Fellow, 2013–14)

The University of British Columbia

Sacred Bone: Relic-Worship in Medieval China

Yinghong Cheng (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

Delaware State University

"Two Lives for a Mile”—African American Soldiers Building the Burma Road

Howard Chiang (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

University of California, Davis

A Transcultural Revolution of the Unconscious: Psychoanalysis and Chinese Culture across the Pacific

Roger Chickering (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

Georgetown University

Total War in a Lovely Place: A Cultural History of Freiburg, 1914-1918

Michael Childers (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

Colorado State University

The Mountains are Calling: Tourists and the Unmaking of Yosemite National Park

Catherine Michael Chin (NHC Fellow, 2007–08)

University of California, Davis

Life: The Natural History of an Early Christian Universe

Kyeong-Hee Choi (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

The University of Chicago

Rewritten in Divided Korea: Colonial Literature as a History, 1945-1960

Stanley Chojnacki (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

Michigan State University

(1) Venetian Society; Late Middle Ages to Renaissance (2) Decades of Wifehood: Gender & Society in the Venetian Patriciate, 1300-1500

David Christian (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

San Diego State University

Inner Eurasian History

Thomas Christiano (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

University of Arizona

Philosophical Foundations of Democracy

George C. Christie (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

Duke University

Philosophical Insights into the State Action Problem

Nicholas Christy (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

Columbia University

The Profession of Medicine in America Today

Kiu-wai Chu (NHC Fellow, 2022–23)

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Chinese Eco-Images in The Planetary Age: The Multispecies World of Humans, Animals, and Plants

Jiwei Ci (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

University of International Business and Economics

Conscience: A Study in Moral Philosophy, Moral Psychology, and Moral Culture

Julia A. Clancy-Smith (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

University of Arizona

The School on Rue du Pacha, Tunis: Educating Muslim Girls in Colonial North Africa, c. 1880-1920

Anna Clark (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Gender and the Making of the English Working Class

Elizabeth A. Clark (NHC Fellow, 1988–89; 2001–02)

Duke University

The Social History of the Origenist Controversy

Duke University

Rewriting the History of Early Christianity

John G. Clark (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

University of Kansas

U.S. Fuel Resource Policies, 1916-1947

Joseph M. H. Clark (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

University of Kentucky

Witchcraft and Contraband in the Early Modern Caribbean

Justin T. Clark (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

The Clockwork Republic: Sociolegal Culture, Time, and Struggle in the United States, 1787–1860

Stuart Clark (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

Swansea University

Visual Reality in Early Modern Europe

Suzannah Clark (NHC Fellow, 2010–11)

Harvard University

Quirks in Tonality: Aspects in the History of Tonal Space

Graeme W. Clarke (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

Australian National University

The Letters and Fragments of Dionysius of Alexandria

Randolph Clarke (NHC Fellow, 2012–13)

Florida State University

Omissions: Agency, Metaphysics, and Responsibility

Carol J. Clover (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

University of California, Berkeley

The People's Plot: Trials, Movies, and the Adversarial Imagination

A. W. Coats (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

University of Nottingham

A History of the American Economic Association, 1885-1895

Rhonda Cobham-Sander (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

Amherst College

Gender and National Identity in Postcolonial African Literature

Sherman Cochran (NHC Fellow, 2002–03)

Cornell University

Inside a Chinese Family: The Private Correspondence of the Lius of Shanghai, 1910-1956

Peter A. Coclanis (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Distant Thunder: The Creation of a World Market in Rice and the Transformation it Wrought (c. 1700-1920)

Thomas Cogswell (NHC Fellow, 1987–88; 2003–04)

University of Kentucky

Parliamentary Politics in Early Stuart England

University of California, Riverside

Buckingham's Commonwealth: War, Politics, and Political Culture, 1618-1629

Deborah Cohen (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

American University

Material Good: The British at Home, 1851-1939

Edward H. Cohen (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

Rollins College

Henley in Hospital

Esther Cohen (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Modified Scream: The Construction of Sensory Pain in the Later Middle Ages

Patricia Cline Cohen (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

University of California, Santa Barbara

The Helen Jewett Murder: Sexuality in Jacksonian America

Seymour Cohen (NHC Fellow, 1982–85)

Stony Brook University

Thomas Cooper and the Chemical Revolution in America

Catherine M. Cole (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

University of California, Santa Barbara

Stages of Transition: Performing South Africa's Truth Commission

Jennifer Cole (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)

Harvard University

Memory, Trauma and the Moral Universe in East Madagascar

Susan Guettel Cole (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

University at Buffalo

Gendered Ritual in the Ancient Greek Polis

Marcia L. Colish (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

Oberlin College

The Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages

Linda Colley (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

Princeton University

The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Global History

Bettye Collier-Thomas (NHC Fellow, 2001–02; 2014–15)

Temple University

She Hath Done What She Could: African American Women & Religion

Temple University

She is a Politician: African American Women and Politics

Stefan Collini (NHC Fellow, 2012–13)

University of Cambridge

The Nostalgic Imagination: Literary Criticism in English Culture

R. V. Comerford (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

Maynooth University

Confessional Conflict in the Modern State: Ireland and the Netherlands, 1780-1980

Gary Lynn Comstock (NHC Fellow, 2007–08; 2008–09)

North Carolina State University

Singularity and Superiority

North Carolina State University

Singularity and Superiority

Michael Confino (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

Tel Aviv University

(1) Society and Politics in Russia, 1880s-1920s: A Study in Collective Attitudes and Mentalities; (2) The Historian's Craft and Historical Consciousness in Contemporary Culture and Society

Stephen A. Conrad (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

Indiana University Bloomington

The Uses of History and Political Economy in James Wilson's Constitutional Theory

Marianne Constable (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

University of California, Santa Barbara

Chicago Husband-Killing and the New Unwritten Law

Daniel Conway (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

The Pennsylvania State University

Kierkegaard's Modernity

Scott Cook (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

Grinnell College

Reinterpreting the Confucian Tradition in the Light of Newly Excavated Manuscripts

Jacob E. Cooke (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

Lafayette College

The Ascendancy of "The Imperial Presidency"

Lynda L. Coon (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

University of Arkansas

Priestly Bodies: Gender and Spatial Practice in the Carolingian Monastery of Fulda

David Copp (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

Simon Fraser University

Reason and Needs

John Corrigan (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

Florida State University

Religious Violence and American Foreign Policy

Luis R. Corteguera (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

University of Kansas

Before God and King: Ordinary People in Politics in Early Modern Spain

Therese Scarpelli Cory (NHC Fellow, 2017–18)

University of Notre Dame

Aquinas's Metaphysics of Intellect: Being and Being-About

Nancy F. Cott (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

Harvard University

World-Venturing: Cosmopolitan Self-Invention after the Great War

Paul B. Courtright (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

The Goddess and the Dreadful Practice: The Hindu Phenomenon of Suttee

Susan Crane (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Clothing Identity in Late Medieval Courts

F. Edward Cranz (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

Connecticut College

The Reorientation of the Categories of Western Thought c. ll00

Edwin D. Craun (NHC Fellow, 2002–03)

Washington and Lee University

Fraternal Correction: The Ethics of Medieval English Reformist Literature

Thomas Cripps (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

Morgan State University

A Social History of Blacks in American Film, 1942 to the Present

Emilye Crosby (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

State University of New York at Geneseo

Anything I Was Big Enough to Do: Women and Gender in Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

John E. Crowley (NHC Fellow, 1995–96)

Dalhousie University

The Invention of Comfort in Britain and Anglo-America, 1500-1850

Donald Crummey (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

State, Land and Society in Ethiopian History

Mark Cruse (NHC Fellow, 2017–18; 2024–25)

Arizona State University

From Alexander the Great to Tamerlane: World Dominion in the Medieval French Imagination

Arizona State University

Representing the Unknown: Place and Knowledge in the Manuscripts of Marco Polo’s Devisement du monde

Mark Csikszentmihalyi (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)

Davidson College

The Essay on the Five Phases: Ethics and Natural Philosophy in Han China

Jonathan Culler (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

Cornell University

The Theory of the Lyric

Patricia Curd (NHC Fellow, 2001–02; 2009–10)

Purdue University

Anaxagoras of Clazomenae

Purdue University

Divinity, Intelligibility, and Human Understanding in Presocratic Thought

Edwin Curley (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

University of Illinois Chicago

A Translation of the Works of Spinoza

Edward E. Curtis, IV (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Religious Life in Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam


Emília Viotti da Costa (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

Yale University

The Strange Career of John Smith: The Demerara (Guyana) Slave Rebellion of 1823

Lewis M. Dabney (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

University of Wyoming

Edmund Wilson, American: A Life and an Age in Literature

David Daiches (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

The University of Edinburgh

The Influence of the Scottish Enlightenment on the Founding Fathers of the United States

Loring M. Danforth (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

Bates College

The Anastenaria: Ritual Therapy in Rural Greece

Werner J. Dannhauser (NHC Fellow, 1981–83)

Cornell University

Marx and Marxism after 100 Years

Mariana Dantas (NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

Ohio University

Family Formation, Race, and Social Mobility in Eighteenth-Century Minas Gerais, Brazil

William A. Darity, Jr. (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Race, Radicalism, and Reform: The Social Science Contributions of Abram Harris, Jr.

Lorraine Daston (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

Science Goes Global

Marlene L. Daut (NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

University of Virginia

An Anthology of Haitian Revolutionary Fictions (Age of Slavery)

Emmanuel David (NHC Fellow, 2022–23)

University of Colorado Boulder

Trans-American Orientalism: The Asia-Pacific Encounters of Transgender Pioneer Christine Jorgensen, 1961–1969

Cathy N. Davidson (NHC Fellow, 1995–96)

Duke University

Photographs of the Dead

Denise Z. Davidson (NHC Fellow, 2010–11)

Georgia State University

Surviving Revolution: Bourgeois Families in France, 1780-1830

Katherine Davies (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

The University of Texas at Dallas

Care as Custody: A Critical Feminist Phenomenology of the US Foster Care System

Richard Beale Davis (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Intellectual Life in the Revolutionary South

Tony Day (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

Independent Scholar (United States of America)

Forms of Reality: Literature in Java, 1800-2000

Hermione de Almeida (NHC Fellow, 1982–83)

University of Miami

Physician to All Men: Nineteenth-Century Medicine and the Poetry of John Keats

Andrea U. De Giorgi (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

Florida State University

Cosa and the Water Systems of the Roman Conquest of Italy (3rd–2nd c. BCE)

Margreta de Grazia (NHC Fellow, 1982–83)

Georgetown University

Speaking on Shakespeare's Terms

Francisca de Haan (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

Central European University

Cold War in the International Women's Movement

Mary De Jong (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

Penn State Shenango

Heart-Songs and Hymns: Hymnody and Power in Nineteenth-Century America

Oscar de la Torre (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Enyoró: A Collective Biography of Black Matanzas Cuba from Slavery to Nation-Making‚ 1835–1898

Christian de Pee (NHC Fellow, 2013–14)

University of Michigan

Visible Cities: Text and Urban Space in Middle-Period China, Eighth through Twelfth Centuries

Sophie de Schaepdrijver (NHC Fellow, 1995–96)

Leiden University

Belgium in the First World War

Donald A. DeBats (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

Flinders University

Voting Together: Political Worlds in Nineteenth-Century North America

Andrew P. Debicki (NHC Fellow, 1979–80; 1992–93)

University of Kansas

Poetic Form and Reader Experience in Post-Civil War Spanish Poetry

University of Kansas

A New History of Contemporary Spanish Poetry

Linda Dégh (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

Indiana University Bloomington

Legend and Belief: The Dialectics of a Folklore Genre

Andrew Delbanco (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 1990–91; 2002–03)

Columbia University

Representations of Evil in American Culture

Columbia University

Melville's World

Deborah Mauskopf Deliyannis (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

Indiana University Bloomington

“To Rival the Temple of Solomon”: Splendid Churches and Bishops in Early Christianity

Walter E. Dellinger (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

Duke University

Constitutional Change: The Process of Amendment

Gaurav Desai (NHC Fellow, 2001–02; 2009–10)

Tulane University

Under Erasure: "Culture" and the Diasporic Imaginary

Tulane University

Post-Manichean Aesthetics: Africa and the South Asian Imagination

Alan C. Dessen (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Re-Scripting Shakespeare

Sarah Deutsch (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Women of Boston: Gender and the City, 1870-1950

Jin Di (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

Tianjin University

Translation of James Joyce's Ulysses into Chinese

Morris Dickstein (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

Queens College of the City University of New York

American Culture in the 1930s

John Dittmer (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

DePauw University

The Good Doctors: The Medical Committee for Human Rights and the Politics of Health Care in America

James C. Dobbins (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

Oberlin College

Religious Meanings in Japanese Buddhist Art

Betty Jo Teeter Dobbs (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

Northwestern University

The Role of Alchemy in Newton's Thought

Madeleine Dobie (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

Columbia University

Trading Places: Colonialism, Slavery, and Eighteenth-Century French Culture

Jonathan Dollimore (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

University of Sussex

Comparative Study of Sexuality, Transgression, and Sub-cultures

Denis Donoghue (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 1991–92; 1995–96; 1996–97)

New York University

Walter Pater: His Life, His Afterlife

New York University

Aesthetic Aspects of Reading Literature

New York University

Aesthetic Aspects of Reading Literature

Alice A. Donohue (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

Bryn Mawr College

Historiographic Structures in the Study of Classical Art

Florence Dore (NHC Fellow, 2008–09; 2016–17)

Kent State University

Not Knowing: Racial Equality and Forms of Privacy in Southern Modernism

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Novel Sounds: The American Novel in the Age of Rock and Roll

John M. Doris (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

Washington University in St. Louis

A Natural History of the Self

Richard M. Dorson (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

Indiana University Bloomington

The Other America in Legend

Ann Douglas (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

Columbia University

Robert Benchley, Dorothy Parker, and the Literary Life of New York in the 1920s

Rita Dove (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

Arizona State University

Durer's Beauty

William C. Dowling (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

The University of New Mexico

Internal Audience and Epistolary Form in Eighteenth-Century English Literature

Don H. Doyle (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

University of South Carolina

America's International Civil War

William H. Dray (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

University of Ottawa

Causal Interpretations of the English Civil War

Marie Drew-Bear (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

Lumière University Lyon 2

The Archives of the City Council of Hermoupolis in the Third Century A.D.

Jan Willem Drijvers (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

University of Groningen

Cyril and Jerusalem

Sonja Drimmer (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Art and Political Visuality in Late Medieval England

Olga Dror (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

Texas A&M University

Hồ Chí Minh’s Cult in Vietnamese Statehood

Lanlan Du (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Affective Dimensions of Precarity in Contemprary Chinese and English Fiction

Xiaolin Duan (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

North Carolina State University

Three Cities of the Early Modern Pacific: Connections and Conflicts between the Ming Dynasty and the Spanish Empire

Laurent Dubois (NHC Fellow, 2008–09; 2016–17)

Duke University

The Banjo: A Cultural History

Duke University

Katherine Dunham: An Afro-Atlantic Itinerary

Rachel Blau DuPlessis (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

Temple University

Gender Debates and Cultural Power in Twentieth-Century American Poetries

Robert S. DuPlessis (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

Swarthmore College

Atlantic Stuff: Histories of Consumption in the Early Modern South Atlantic World

A. Hunter Dupree (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

Brown University

The Role of Measurement in History

Edwin M. Duval (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

Yale University

The Design of Rabelais's Tiers Livre de Pantagruel

Kathleen DuVal (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Revolution Without Rebels: The Battle of Pensacola and the War for America

Allen R. Dyer (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

Duke University

The Place of Ethics in the Definition of a Profession


Gerald Early (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

Washington University in St. Louis

When Worlds Collide: African-Americans in the Age of Integration, 1950-1954

Richard M. Eaton (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

University of Arizona

Religious Conversion Movements

Morris Eaves (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

The University of New Mexico

William Blake's Illuminated Books and the Institutions of Memory: A Study of Canon Formation

Paulla Ebron (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

Stanford University

Making Tropical Africa in the Georgia Sea Islands

Abraham Edel (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

City University of New York

Morality and Its Philosophy

Laura F. Edwards (NHC Fellow, 2007–08)

Duke University

The People and Their Peace: The Re-Constitution of Governance in the American South, 1787-1840

Robert R. Edwards (NHC Fellow, 1985–86)

University at Buffalo

Chaucer's Early Narrative

Bart D. Ehrman (NHC Fellow, 2009–10; 2018–19)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Literary Forgery and Counter-Forgery in the Early Christian Tradition

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Invention of Heaven and Hell

Susan L. Einbinder (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

Hebrew Union College

The Voice from the Flames: The Medieval Literature of Jewish Martyrdom

Robin L. Einhorn (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

University of California, Berkeley

Taxes in U.S. History

Gabriel Eljaiek-Rodriguez (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

Spelman College

Dramas and Horrors of Immigration in Latinx Cinema

Dyan Elliott (NHC Fellow, 1997–98; 2012–13)

Indiana University Bloomington

Proving Woman: Female Mysticism and Inquisitional Practice in Late Medieval Europe

Northwestern University

Scandal: A Hidden Force in Medieval Church History

Emory Elliott (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

Princeton University

Religion and Literature in America before 1820

Ralph W. V. Elliott (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

Australian National University

Thomas Hardy's English: A Critical and Stylistic Analysis of the Language of His Poetry and Prose

David Ellis (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

University of Kent

Biography of D. H. Lawrence (1922-1930)

Maud Ellmann (NHC Fellow, 2007–08; 2017–18)

University of Notre Dame

Modernist Returns: Recirculation in James, Woolf, Joyce, and Freud

University of Chicago

Inside Out: Psychoanalysis and Fiction in World War II Britain and France

Susanna Elm (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

University of California, Berkeley

Sozomen's, Socrates' and Theodoret's 'History of the Church': Innovation or Continuity?

Gerald F. Else (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

University of Michigan

Aristotle's Theory of Literature

Jean Bethke Elshtain (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

The University of Chicago

Sovereign God, Sovereign State, Sovereign Self

Johan Elverskog (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

Southern Methodist University

A History of Uyghur Buddhism, 800–1800

Ryan E. Emanuel (NHC Fellow, 2020–21)

North Carolina State University

Water in the Lumbee World: Environmental Justice, Indigenous Rights, and the Transformation of Home

James Engell (NHC Fellow, 2010–11)

Harvard University

Coleridge, A Divided Life Reconciled

Laura Engelstein (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)

Princeton University

Margin of Error: Christian Eunuchs and the Limits of Identity in Tsarist and Soviet Russia

James A. Epstein (NHC Fellow, 1985–86)

Independent Scholar (United States of America)

The Constitutionalist Idiom: Radical Rhetoric, Reasoning, and Action in England, 1789-1850

Lewis A. Erenberg (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Loyola University Chicago

Louis v. Schmeling: Boxing, Race, and Nationalism, 1930s-1950s

Edward J. Erler (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

California State University, San Bernardino

The Supreme Court and Equal Protection: A Case Study in the Failure of Judicial Statesmanship

Howard Erskine-Hill (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

University of Cambridge

Poetry and Affairs of State

Andrew Escobedo (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

Ohio University

Renaissance Allegories of the Will

Gastón Espinosa (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

Claremont McKenna College

Brown Moses: Francisco Olazabal and Charisma, Power and Healing in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands

Fernando Esquivel-Suárez (NHC Fellow, 2020–21)

Spelman College

The Pablo Escobar Mixtape

Judith Evans Grubbs (NHC Fellow, 1993–94)

Sweet Briar College

Imperial Law and the Roman Familia in the Third Century

Theodore Evergates (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

McDaniel College

The Aristocracy in the Country of Champagne, 1100–1300

Janet J. Ewald (NHC Fellow, 1993–94)

Duke University

Crossing the Red Sea: Transport, Slavery, and Free Labor, 1800-1910

Irène Eynat-Confino (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Tel Aviv University

Complex Simplicity: The Rhetoric of Melodrama in Popular Culture


Genevieve Fabre (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7)

African American Ceremonial and Celebrative Culture in Colonial and Antebellum Times

Michel Fabre (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle

The Culture of the Creoles of Color in Louisiana

Adam Fairclough (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

University of Wales, Lampeter

Black Teachers and the Civil Rights Movement

Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

University of California, Santa Barbara

An Ambiguous Past: Fascism, the Resistance and "Structures of Feeling" in Italy (1943-1945)

Eugene H. Falk (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Tragedy in France and Germany: Genre and Concept

W. D. Falk (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Concept of "Ought" and its Roots

Xiaoping Fang (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Global Pandemic, Local Politics: Disease and Social Restructuring in Mao’s China

J. Clayton Fant (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

The University of Akron

Marble and the Caesars

Molly Faries (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

Indiana University Bloomington

Monograph on Jan van Scorel

Jared Farmer (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

Stony Brook University

Trees in Paradise: A California History

Sarah Farmer (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

University of California, Irvine

Frenchmen into Peasants: Yearning for Country Life in Twientieth-Century France

Judith Farquhar (NHC Fellow, 2007–08; 2015–16)

The University of Chicago

Nurturing Life in Transforming Beijing

The University of Chicago

Gathering Medicine in the Mountains: Nation, Body, and Knowledge in China’s Ethnic South

Beatrice Farwell (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

University of California, Santa Barbara

Popular Imagery and High Art in 19th-Century France

Constantin Fasolt (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

The University of Chicago

A Study and Translation of Hermann Conring's Discursus novus

Annegret Fauser (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Politics of Musical Thought, 1918–1939

Mary A. Favret (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

Indiana University Bloomington

Invisible Violence: Wartime in British Romanticism

Harris Feinsod (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

Northwestern University

Into Steam: The Global Imaginaries of Maritime Modernism

Devin Fergus (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

University of Missouri

The Making and Unmaking of One America: President Clinton’s Initiative on Race

Frances Ferguson (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Johns Hopkins University

Childhood and Citizenship in Political Liberalism

Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

Columbia University

Nineteenth-Century Flaneurs and Twentieth-Century Cultures

Robert A. Ferguson (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

Columbia University

The Trial in American Life

Gloria Ferrari (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

Bryn Mawr College

Interpretation of Greek Vases: Image and Function

Judith Ferster (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

Brandeis University

Chaucer's Hermeneutics and Its Social Context

Lynn Festa (NHC Fellow, 2013–14)

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

All Things Human in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Mark Fiege (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

Colorado State University

Natural Histories: Retelling Great Stories of the American Past

Sean L. Field (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

The University of Vermont

Women Writing Saints’ Lives: Gendered Authority and Female Authorship in the Middle Ages

Norman Fiering (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

College of William & Mary

1) Moral Philosophy at Seventeenth-Century Harvard; 2) Jonathan Edwards' Moral Thought and Its British Context

Kit Fine (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

New York University

Metaphysics of Material Things

Leon Fink (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

America's "Missing" Social Democrats: Labor Intellectuals in the Progressive Era, 1890-1916

Valeria Finucci (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

Duke University

The Body Natural: Duke Vincenzo Gonzaga and Early Modern Medical Practices

Stanley Fish (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

Duke University

The Domestic Quarrel

Nora Fisher-Onar (NHC Fellow, 2013–14)

Bahçeşehir University

Post-Western Liberalism(s): Sources and Patterns from Istanbul to Beijing

Owen Flanagan (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

Duke University

The Geography of Morals: Varieties of Moral Possibility

Jennifer L. Fleissner (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

Indiana University Bloomington

Maladies of the Will: Literature as a Symptomatology of Modernity

Kate Flint (NHC Fellow, 2007–08; 2015–16)

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Writing and Photography

University of Southern California

Flash! Photography, Writing, and Surprising Illumination

Elizabeth F. Flower (NHC Fellow, 1978–79)

University of Pennsylvania

The Practical as a Philosophical Conception and Its Bases in American Thought

Mary Floyd-Wilson (NHC Fellow, 2008–09; 2016–17)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Preternatural Passions: Occult Mentalities and the Everyday in English Renaissance Drama

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Tempter or the Tempted: Demonic Causality on the Shakespearean Stage

Samuel A. Floyd, Jr. (NHC Fellow, 1992–93; 1996–97; 2003–04)

Columbia College Chicago

Signifyin(g) Symbol: An Interpretation of Black Music

Columbia College Chicago

Music in the Black Diaspora

Columbia College Chicago

Illustrated Music by Black Composers: A Score Anthology of Significant Works, 1550-1980

Winfried Fluck (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

Universität Konstanz

The Changing Functions of Fiction in the American Novel

Monika Fludernik (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

University of Vienna

Narratology: Theoretical Reflections on Structural, Methodological, and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Theory. The Example of Free Indirect Discourse.

Thomas R. Flynn (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

Emory University

Sartre, Foucault and Reason in History: A Study in Comparative Rationalities

J. P. Fokkelman (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

State University of Leiden

Judge, Prophet and King (I Samuel 1-12)

Jaroslav Folda (NHC Fellow, 1988–89; 1998–99; 2006–07)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

A History of the Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land: 1099-1291

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land: 1187-1291

Stephanie Foote (NHC Fellow, 2017–18)

West Virginia University

The Art of Waste: Narrative, Trash, and Contemporary Culture

Franklin L. Ford (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)

Harvard University

Don't Forget the Future: History and Looking Ahead

P. Gabrielle Foreman (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Occidental College

Reading Miscegenation and Homoerotics in Nineteenth-Century Anti-Slavery Literature and Culture

Elizabeth Fox-Genovese (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

State University of New York at Binghamton

The Mind of the Master Class: The Psychology of Southern Slaveholders

Donald M. Frame (NHC Fellow, 1982–83)

Columbia University

A New Translation of the Complete Works of Francois Rabelais

Nicholas Frankel (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

Virginia Commonwealth University

The Discourse of Decoration: Ornament and Design in Victorian Britain

William Frankena (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

University of Michigan

Problems about Morality, Its Nature, and Its Forms

Carmela Vircillo Franklin (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

St. John's University

The Persian Monk Magundat-Anastasius in the Latin Tradition

John Hope Franklin (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 1980–81; 1981–82)

The University of Chicago

A Biography of George Washington Williams (1849-1891)

The University of Chicago

A Biography of George Washington Williams (1849–1891)

V. P. Franklin (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

Yale University

The Black Twenties: An Exploration in New Negro Consciousness

Tony Frazier (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)

North Carolina Central University

Slaves Without Wages: Runaway Black Slaves and Servants in Eighteenth-Century London

Jonathan Freedman (NHC Fellow, 1994–95)

University of Michigan

The Temple of Culture: Anti-Semitism, Assimilation, and American Literary Intellectuals

Frederico Freitas (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

North Carolina State University

Concrete Tropics: An Environmental History of Brazil’s Modernist Capital

John D. French (NHC Fellow, 1995–96)

Duke University

The Metalworkers of ABC: Working Class Consciousness, Organization, and Ideology

Ernestine Friedl (NHC Fellow, 1985–86)

Duke University

Women in Anthropology

Edward H. Friedman (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Indiana University Bloomington

Guzman de Alfarache and the Development of Narrative Realism

Andrea Frisch (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

University of Southern California

Classical Amnesia: Forgetting Differences in Early Modern France

Ginger S. Frost (NHC Fellow, 2002–03)

Samford University

'As Husband and Wife': Cohabitation in Nineteenth-Century England

Gladys-Marie Fry (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)

University of Maryland

'In Them Days Everyone Wore Beads': A Study of Slave Dress and Bodily Adornment

Marilyn Frye (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)

Michigan State University

Categories and the Category of Women: A Philosophical Investigation

Mia Fuller (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

University of California, Berkeley

Mussolini Threshing Still: Inertia Memoriae, Italy, and Fascist Monuments

Rachel Fulton (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

The University of Chicago

From Exegesis to Cult: Biblical Narrative, Historical Imagination, and Medieval Devotion to Christ and the Virgin Mary

Lilian R. Furst (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Possible Places in European Realist Fiction from Balzac to Thomas Mann

Montgomery Furth (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

University of California, Los Angeles

The Pre-Socratics: Fragments and Interpretation

Paul Fyfe (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

North Carolina State University

The Age of Transmission: From Victorian Media Cultures to the Digital Humanities


Jane M. Gaines (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

Duke University

Other/Race/Desire: Early Cinema and Nationhood

Kevin K. Gaines (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

Princeton University

African American Expatriates in Nkrumah's Ghana, 1957-1966

Peter Galison (NHC Fellow, 2017–18)

Harvard University

Contested Visibilities and the Anthropogenic Image

Catherine Gallagher (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

University of California, Berkeley

Undoing: Alternate-History Novels, Counterfactual Histories, and Social Policies in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

John D. Garrigus (NHC Fellow, 2017–18)

The University of Texas at Arlington

"Macandal is Saved!": Disease, Conspiracy, and the Coming of the Haitian Revolution

Corinne A. Gartner (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

Wellesley College

Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics: Collective Flourishing

Ellen Gruber Garvey (NHC Fellow, 2007–08)

New Jersey City University

Book, Paper, Scissors: Scrapbooks Remake Nineteenth Century Print Culture

David Barry Gaspar (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

Duke University

Africans and Creoles: The Emergence of Afro-Caribbean Slave Revolt in Three Island Societies of the British Caribbean, 1692-1776

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (NHC Fellow, 1988–90)

Cornell University

The Poetics of Wole Soyinka: Theory and Practice

Claire L. Gaudiani (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

Purdue University

Theories of Optics and Light Metaphors: The Impact of the New Science on Literary Expression in Seventeenth-Century France

Shannon Noelle Gayk (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

Indiana University Bloomington

Instruments of Christ: The Arma Christi in Early England

David Patrick Geggus (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

University of Florida

The Saint Domingue Slave Revolt, and the French Revolutionary Period in the Caribbean

Eugene D. Genovese (NHC Fellow, 1984–85; 1987–88)

University of Rochester

The Mind of the Master Class: The Psychology of Southern Slaveholders

University of Rochester

The Mind of the Master Class: The Psychology of Southern Slaveholders

Maria Georgopoulou (NHC Fellow, 2010–11)

American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Arts, Industry, and Trade in the Medieval Mediterranean

Giuseppe Gerbino (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

Columbia University

Music and Mind in the Renaissance

Israel Gershoni (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

Tel Aviv University

Egypt in World War II: Democracy and Fascism in the Egyptian National Discourse

Bernard Gert (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

Dartmouth College

Hobbes and Human Nature

Matthew Giancarlo (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

Yale University

With One Voice: Parliament and Literature in Late Medieval England

Gail McMurray Gibson (NHC Fellow, 2002–03)

Davidson College

Childbed Mysteries: Performances of Childbirth in the Late Middle Ages

Mary Ellis Gibson (NHC Fellow, 2007–08)

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Poetry on the Margins: English Language Literary Culture in India, 1780-1912

Paula J. Giddings (NHC Fellow, 1993–94)

Independent Scholar (United States of America)

Biography of Ida B. Wells

Ronald N. Giere (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)

University of Minnesota

Perspectival Realism

Roger Gilbert (NHC Fellow, 2007–08)

Cornell University

In the Wind My Rescue Is: The Life and Art of A.R. Ammons

Christopher Gill (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

Aberystwyth University

Ethos and Pathos: The Development of Ancient Greek Ideas about Character and Personality

Meredith J. Gill (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

University of Notre Dame

Augustine and the Renaissance

Michael Allen Gillespie (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)

Duke University

The Unity and Disunity of Modernity

Eileen Gillooly (NHC Fellow, 2009–10)

Columbia University

Anxious Affection: Parental Feeling in Nineteenth-Century Middle-Class Britain

Adolfo Gilly (NHC Fellow, 1991–92; 1996–97)

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

El Cardenismo, una utopia mexicana (Mexico 1930-1940)

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Markets, Rights, Culture and Democracy

David Gilmartin (NHC Fellow, 2001–02; 2017–18)

North Carolina State University

Blood and Water: Irrigation and Colonialism in the Indus Basin

North Carolina State University

Exploring Democracy at the Intersection of Law, Politics and Sovereignty: The Legal History of Elections in India

Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

Yale University

Defying Dixie: The First Civil Rights Movement, 1919-1949

Jonathon Glassman (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

Northwestern University

A History of Barbarism: Difference and Race in African Thought

Florence Eliza Glaze (NHC Fellow, 2010–11)

Coastal Carolina University

The Passionarius/Book of Diseases by Gariopontus of Salerno: A Critical Edition with Translations

Mary Gluck (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Brown University

The Aesthetics of "Low" Modernism: Typologies of the Avant-Garde Artist in Paris

Sima Godfrey (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Concept of Fashionability in Nineteenth-Century French Literature

Jack G. Goellner (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

Johns Hopkins University Press

Scholarly Communication and Technology

Rebecca Anne Goetz (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)

New York University

Captive Archipelagos: Native Enslavement in the Greater Caribbean, 1492-1792

Rona Goffen (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

Duke University

Giovanni Bellini and the Renaissance in Venice

Irving Goh (NHC Fellow, 2022–23)

National University of Singapore

Living on after Failure

Erdağ Göknar (NHC Fellow, 2007–08; 2022–23)

Duke University

Legal and Affective Archives of Atrocity: Allied Occupied Istanbul (1918–23) and the Armenian Genocide

Duke University

Between Orient and Nation: Orhan Pamuk and the Turkish Novel

Ann Grodzins Gold (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

Syracuse University

Shipton: North Indian Lives between Rural and Urban

Mark Golden (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

The University of Winnipeg

Childhood in Ancient Greece

Victor Goldgel Carballo (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

University of Wisconsin–Madison

Passing as Open Secret: Race and Fictions of Identity in Nineteenth-Century Cuba

Martin P. Golding (NHC Fellow, 1985–86)

Duke University

Moral Community

Alvin I. Goldman (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Epistemology and Cognitive Systems

Steven Goldsmith (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

University of California, Berkeley

Unbuilding Jerusalem: Apocalypse, Discourse, Romanticism

Jan Goldstein (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)

The University of Chicago

Political Affiliations of the Flesh: The Movement of Biologistic Conceptions of the Person from Left to Right in 19th-Century France

Isabel C. Gómez (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

University of Massachusetts Boston

Divest from English: Eco-Translation and Translingual Repair

Olga Gonçalves (NHC Fellow, 1980–81)

Independent Scholar (Portugal)

Ora esguardae (A Novel About Post-1974 Portugal)

Eugene Goodheart (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

Brandeis University

Ideology and Desire

Bryna Goodman (NHC Fellow, 2020–21)

University of Oregon

Finance and Fortune: Economics, Calculation, and the Fate of the Chinese Republic

Jack Goody (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

University of Cambridge

East and West

Marsha Gordon (NHC Fellow, 2019–20)

North Carolina State University

Leftover Ladies: Ursula Parrott and the Emergence of the Modern Woman

Matthew S. Gordon (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

Miami University

Singers and Soldiers: Slavery and Slave Households of the Ninth-Century Abbasid Empire

Robert S. C. Gordon (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)

University of Cambridge

The Holocaust in Italian Culture, 1944-2001

Michael S. Gorham (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

University of Florida

Networking Putinism: The Rhetoric of Power in the Digital Age

Keren Gorodeisky (NHC Fellow, 2012–13)

Auburn University

A Matter of Form

Helena Goscilo (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

University of Pittsburgh

Heritage and Heresy: Contemporary Fiction by Russian Women

B. N. Goswamy (NHC Fellow, 1986–87)

Panjab University

A History of Painting and Drawing in India

Melinda J. Gough (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

Oklahoma State University

Divine Beauty: Henrietta Maria and Transnational Traditions of Women's Courtly Performance in Early Seventeenth-Century France and England

Laura Gowing (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

University of Hertfordshire

Women, Sex and the Reproductive Body in Seventeenth-Century England

Harvey J. Graff (NHC Fellow, 2013–14)

The Ohio State University

Undisciplining Knowledge: Pursuing the Dream of Interdisciplinarity in the Twentieth-Century. A Social History

Lisa Jane Graham (NHC Fellow, 2003–04)

Haverford College

The Economy of Pleasure in Eighteenth-Century France

Maryemma Graham (NHC Fellow, 2005–06; 2006–07)

University of Kansas

The House Where My Soul Lives: The Life of Margaret Walker

University of Kansas

The House Where My Soul Lives: The Life of Margaret Walker

Bruce Grant (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

Swarthmore College

Cosmos and Cosmopolitanism: Culture and Religious Histories in the Azeri Cau

Ruth W. Grant (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

Duke University

The Ethics of Incentives: Persuasion, Bribery or Blackmail?

Dewey W. Grantham (NHC Fellow, 1982–83)

Vanderbilt University

Twentieth-Century Southern Politics: The History of an American Institution

Christopher Grasso (NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

College of William & Mary

Skepticism and American Faith: From the Revolution to the Civil War

Suzanne Graver (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

Williams College

Knowledge and Power: The Victorian Debate on Woman's Mind

J. R. Green (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

The University of Sydney

Art and the Theatre in the Ancient World

Mitchell S. Green (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

University of Virginia

Expressive Meaning: Self-Expression and Self-Constitution in Language and the Arts

Monica H. Green (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)

Duke University

Salernitan Medicine for Women: Critical Editions of the "Tractatus de egritudinibus mulierum," "Liber de sinthomatibus mulierum," "De curis mulierum," and "De ornatu mulierum"

Donald Greene (NHC Fellow, 1984–85)

University of Southern California

A Narrative Biography of Samuel Johnson, 1763-1784

Jack P. Greene (NHC Fellow, 1986–87; 1987–88; 2009–10)

Johns Hopkins University

Changing Identity in Early British Plantation America

Johns Hopkins University

The British Debate on American Colonial Resistance, 1760-1783

Julie Greene (NHC Fellow, 2013–14)

University of Maryland

The Wages of Empire: Labor, Race, and U.S. Expansionism, 1865 to 1920

Sandra E. Greene (NHC Fellow, 2007–08; 2014–15)

Cornell University

Fragments: Memories of Enslavement from Ghana

Cornell University

African Slaveholders in the Age of Abolition

Ezra Greenspan (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

Southern Methodist University

William Wells Brown: An African American Life

P. S. Greenspan (NHC Fellow, 1990–91)

University of Maryland

Practical Guilt: Moral Dilemma and Motivation

Linda Gregerson (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)

University of Michigan

Changing the Subject: Iconoclasm, Interpretation, and Eros in The Faerie Queene and Paradise Lost

Paul F. Grendler (NHC Fellow, 1988–89; 1989–90)

University of Toronto

A Short History of Italian Renaissance Universities, 1400-1600

University of Toronto

A Short History of Italian Renaissance Universities, 1400-1600

Brendan Griebel (NHC Fellow, 2024–25)

Independent Scholar (Canada)

Crafting Freedom from Confinement in the Canadian Prairies

Meghan Griffith (NHC Fellow, 2007–08)

Davidson College

Freedom and Agency

Paul Griffiths (NHC Fellow, 2002–03)

Iowa State University

Petty Crime, Policing, and Punishment in London, 1545-1660

Jennie Grillo (NHC Fellow, 2017–18)

Duke University

The Afterlives of the Apocryphal Daniel

Wendy Griswold (NHC Fellow, 2017–18)

Northwestern University

Placements: Position and Location through American Culture, Third Volume of a Trilogy on Literature and Cultural Regionalism

Emily R. Grosholz (NHC Fellow, 1985–86)

The Pennsylvania State University

Proportion in the Seventeenth Century

Harvey Gross (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

Stony Brook University

The First Moment of the Modern: 1900-1914

Michael Grossberg (NHC Fellow, 1987–88)

Case Western Reserve University

The Search for Justice: A Social History of American Law

Richard H. Grove (NHC Fellow, 1995–96)

Independent Scholar (United Kingdom)

The East India Company, Environmental Medicine and the Origins of Conservation

Harriet Guest (NHC Fellow, 1989–90)

University College London

Experienced Women: Religion and Femininity in 18th-Century Women's Writing

Zsuzsanna Gulácsi (NHC Fellow, 2006–07; 2016–17)

Northern Arizona University

Formation of Mediaeval Book Art in West and Central Asia

Northern Arizona University

Artistic Culture of Religious Instruction Along the Trade Routes of Late Ancient and Medieval Asia

Alexis Pauline Gumbs (NHC Fellow, 2020–21)

Independent Scholar (United States of America)

The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde: Biography as Ceremony

Daniel Gunn (NHC Fellow, 1988–89)

University of Maine at Farmington

Ideological Rhetoric in the English Novel, 1748-1910

Akhil Gupta (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

Stanford University

Reincarnating Social Theory