Michael Valdez Moses, 2000–2001 | National Humanities Center

Michael Valdez Moses (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

Project Title

Nation of the Dead: The Politics of Irish Writing, 1890-1990

Duke University

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2000–01

Michael Valdez Moses wrote an article, entitled "Revolution of the Saint: Imperial Decadence and Catholic Ascendancy in Wilde's Salomé, that will appear in Erin's Sickbed, a collection of essays edited by Scott Boltwood, to be published by Colin Smythe (2002). This article also comprises a chapter in his book, Nation of the Dead: The Politics of Irish Writing, 1890-1990. He drafted two other chapters for the book, began work on a fourth chapter, and completed three additional articles for publication: "The Poet As Politician: The Intellectual Odyssey of W. B. Yeats" (Reason 32, no. 9 [2001]); "A Rendezvous with Density: The FDR Memorial and the Clinton Era" (Reason 32, no. 11 [2001]); and "Magical Realism at World's End" (Literary Imagination: The Review of the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics 3, no.1 [2001]). The article on "Magical Realism" will also become a chapter in a future book, tentatively titled "Strange Encounters: Global Modernity, Cultural Hybridity, and the Archaic."