Andrew Delbanco (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 1990–91; 2002–03) | National Humanities Center

Andrew Delbanco (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 1990–91; 2002–03)

Project Title, 1990–91

Representations of Evil in American Culture

Columbia University

Project Title, 2002–03

Melville's World

Columbia University

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Fellowship Work Summary, 1990–91

Andrew Delbanco drafted two chapters of his book on evil and the American imagination. He wrote an essay on Melville to be published in Raritan, and a review-essay on Thoreau for The New Republic, as well as several book reviews. He revised an essay on Lincoln, which will appear in a volume of essays on “Knowledge and Belief in American Culture,” the product of a conference at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Fellowship Work Summary, 2002–03

Andrew Delbanco drafted six chapters of his book Melville’s World and wrote a review of Quick Studies: The Best of Lingua Franca, edited by Alexander Star, published in the New York Review of Books. He co-led (with Charles Capper) the Lilly Seminar on Religion and American Culture.