Geng Song (NHC Fellow, 2022–23)
Project Title
The Matrilocal Husband: Chinese-style Neoliberal Masculinities in the Digital Era
The University of Hong Kong
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Fellowship Work Summary, 2022–23
Geng Song completed one chapter of his work in progress, The Matrilocal Husband: Chinese-style Neoliberal Masculinities in the Digital Era and collected data and conducted a literature review for other chapters of the book. The drafted chapter will first appear as a journal article and has been submitted to Men and Masculinities. He also wrote a chapter on male images in Chinese cyberspace for an edited volume, Routledge Handbook of Chinese Gender and Sexuality (Routledge, forthcoming, 2024). His article “Translating the Pet Man: The ‘Milky Puppy’ Imaginary and Neoliberal Subjectivity” is now under review by Feminist Media Studies.