Bradley W. Bateman (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)
Project Title
The Force of the River Itself: The Social Gospel and American Economics
Grinnell College
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 1999–00
Bradley W. Bateman finished an article, co-authored with Ethan Kapstein, entitled "Between God and the Market: The Religious Roots of the American Economic Association," Journal of Economic Perspectives 13 (fall 1999). He wrote "The End of Keynes and Philosophy?, Part I" and "The End of Keynes and Philosophy?, part II" (both translated by S. Mizuhara) for The Keizai Seminar (May 2000), and "The Skills of Freedom: The Liberal Education of William J. Barber," a chapter for a book on the lives of the most prominent historians of economic thought in the twentieth century, edited by Warren Samuels and Steven Medema (to be published by Routledge). He finished an essay, "The Force of the River Itself: The Social Gospel and American Economics," for the Center's journal, Ideas (forthcoming, fall 2000). His paper, "Make a Righteous Number: Social Surveys, the Men and Religion Forward Movement, and Quantification in American Social Science," will appear in a special number of the journal History of Political Economy, to be titled The Age of Measurement.