Sukjae Lee (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)
Project Title
The Untimely Modern: Leibniz and His Rehabilitation of Formal and Final Causes
The Ohio State University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2006–07
Sukjae Lee wrote an article, "Necessary Connections and Continuous Creation: Malebranche's Two Arguments for Occasionalism," for publication in the Journal of the History of Philosophy, and another, "Passive Natures and No Representations: Malebranche's Two Local Arguments for Occasionalism," for publication in the Harvard Review of Philosophy. In addition, he completed a draft of an article, "Substantial Independence: Leibniz's Criticism of Occasionalism as Spinozism," and began work on two others: "Leibniz on Efficient Causality" and "Berkeley on the Activity of Spirit."