Scott MacDonald (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)
Project Title
Rational Pursuit of the Good: Deliberative Desire in Aquinas's Moral Philosophy
University of Iowa
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Fellowship Work Summary, 1992–93
Scott MacDonald completed two papers: "Primal Sins," to be included in The Augustinian Tradition, edited by Gareth Matthews (University of California Press), and "The Practical Syllogism and Reasons-Explanations of Action," which will appear in Aquinas's Moral Theory, a collection of essays he is editing for Cornell University Press. Both essays are part of a larger project on which he is focusing, "Rational Pursuit of the Good." He continued work on two translations: Robert Grosseteste's Commentary on Aristotle's Posterior Analytics, to be published by Yale University Press, and Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts: Metaphysics, forthcoming from Cambridge University Press.