Daniel Nolan, 2015–2016 | National Humanities Center

Daniel Nolan (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)

Project Title

Theoretical Virtues

Australian National University

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2015–16

Daniel Nolan drafted several chapters of a monograph, Theoretical Virtues. He also produced several articles and chapters for edited volumes including "Methodological Naturalism in Metaethics" for The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics, edited by Tristram McPherson and David Plunkett (forthcoming from Routledge); "Cosmic Loops" for Reality and Structure, edited by Ricki Bliss and Graham Priest (forthcoming from Oxford University Press); "Stoic Trichotomies" for Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy (forthcoming); and "The Possibilities of History" Journal of the History of Philosophy (forthcoming). Nolan also produced an updated version of his entry in the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy titled "Modal Fictionalism".