Eugene F. Rogers, 1998–1999 | National Humanities Center

Eugene F. Rogers, Jr. (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Project Title

After Nature: Natural Law and the Virtues in the Biblical Commentary of Thomas Aquinas

University of Virginia

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Fellowship Work Summary, 1998–99

Eugene F. Rogers, Jr. completed work on his book Sexuality and the Christian Body: Their Way into the Triune God, just published by Blackwell. He researched and began writing a book about the account of the Spirit in Eastern Orthodox theology, especially the Syriac tradition, tentatively titled After the Spirit, which has been accepted for publication by Westview Press. He gathered and edited source materials for a volume called Theology and Sexuality: Classic and Contemporary Readings, forthcoming from Blackwell (2000). He wrote an article, "Aquinas on Natural Law and the Virtues in Biblical Context: The Case of Homosexuality," which appeared in Journal of Religious Ethics (January 1999); submitted an article on "Luther's Encounter with Thomas through Nicholas of Lyra," to the Archiv für Reformationsgeschicte; and translated the Latin in Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, to appear in Karl Barth on Religion, edited and translated from the German by Garrett Green (forthcoming, T&T Clark, 2000). He gave a paper, "Nomos and Narrative," at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, held in Orlando, and attended the annual meeting of the Duodecim Society, in Princeton. He was a participant in the Lilly Collegium on Religion and the Humanities at the Center.