Lucy Carroll Stout (NHC Fellow, 1996–97)
Project Title
Muslim Family Law in South Asia
Independent Scholar (United States of America)
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Fellowship Work Summary, 1996–97
Lucy Carroll Stout revised twenty-five chapters of her three-volume work on Muslim Family Law in South Asia and conceived and carried through to page-proof a book she is editing entitled Shah Bano and the Muslim Women Act a Decade On: The Muslim Woman's Right to Mataa. She also focused on several essays: "Arrears of Maintenance for Wife and Child: Comments on 43 DLR (1991) 301 and 48 DRL (1996) 48" (Bangladesh Legal Decisions, 1996); "Shah Bano, The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, and the Muslim Woman's Right to Mataa: Bangladesh Shows the Way out of the Imbroglio" (Journal of the Indian Law Institute, 1997); "The Hanafi's Wife's Claim for Arrears of Maintenance and the Muslim Divorcee's Claim for Maintenance/Provision: ARole for the Family Courts?" (The Lawyers, 1997); and "Justice for Divorced Women," Parts I and II (The Bangladesh Observer, 27—28 January, 1997).