Eleanor Winsor Leach, 1992–1993 | National Humanities Center

Eleanor Winsor Leach (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)

Project Title

Roman Painting and Roman Society

Indiana University Bloomington

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Fellowship Work Summary, 1992–93

Eleanor Winsor Leach wrote two new chapters and revised three others for her book, Roman Painting and Roman Society. She also worked on several articles: "Absence and Desire in Cicero's De Amicitia" (Classical World, January 1994), "The Casa di G. Giulio Polibio in Pompeii and the Problem of the Roman Vestibulum" (forthcoming in the yearbook of the Dutch Institute in Rome), "The Poet as Hero in Steele Commager's Horatian Revolution (forthcoming in Arethusa), "Horace Odes 1.8 and 13 the Articulation of Gender Roles in Augustan Rome" (solicited for Classical Philology), and "Venus, Thetis, and the Roman Social Construction of Motherhood" and "Public and Personal Space/Communal and Personal Time in the Reader's Experience of Horace's Odes," both of which will appear in conference volumes.