Joni Adamson (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)
Project Title
Desirable Futures: Cosmos, Canon, and Constellations of Practice in the Environmental Humanities
Arizona State University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2018–19
Joni Adamson drafted two chapters and conducted research on a third for her monograph in progress Desirable Futures: Climate Fiction and Film, Rights of Nature, and New Constellations of Practice in the Environmental Humanities. An excerpt of this work, titled “El Río and The Shape of Water: Collective Continuance, Blockbuster Film, and the Rights to Nature Movement,” has been accepted for publication in ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. She worked as one of five lead authors of an international team of 24 members who wrote the first article to survey the state of international pedagogy in the environmental humanities “Teaching the Environmental Humanities: International Perspectives and Practices.” She wrote, “The Middle Place, Ziran, and Hanjing,” the foreword for Chia-ju Chang’s edited collection Chinese Environmental Humanities: Practices of Environing at the Periphery (Palgrave, 2019) and “Ecocriticism, Environmental Justice, and Rights of Nature” appeared in Panorama: Journal of the Association of American Historians of Art, (June 2019). She blogged about the work of the Humanities for the Environment global network, in “Recrafting Environmental Communication in The Circumpolar North.”