L. A. Paul, 2011–2012 | National Humanities Center

L. A. Paul (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)

Project Title

A Common Cause: A Unified Account of Causation and Causal Reasoning

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2011–12

L. A. Paul began work on her book Temporal Experience and Asymmetry and, as coauthor, completed Causation: A User's Guide, forthcoming from Oxford University Press (2013). She wrote a chapter on "Realism about Structure and Kinds" for an edited volume, The Metaphysics of Science (2012); "Metaphysics as Modeling: The Handmaiden's Tale" and "Building the World from Fundamental Constituents" for Philosophical Studies (2012); and "Choosing to Have Children." She also cowrote "Metaphysically Reductive Causation" for Erkenntnis.