Mario Klarer (NHC Fellow, 1995–96; 2000–01) | National Humanities Center

Mario Klarer (NHC Fellow, 1995–96; 2000–01)

Project Title, 1995–96

Ekphrasis: Pictorial Description and Textual Self-Reflexivity in English and American Literature

Universität Innsbruck

Project Title, 2000–01

Still Lives: Tableaux Vivants and the Construction of Victorian Femininity

Universität Innsbruck

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Fellowship Work Summary, 1995–96

Mario Klarer read proof of the second edition of his Einfiihrung in die anglistisch-amerikanistische Literaturwissenschaft, completed the English translation of Introduction to Literary Studies for Students of English, and finished substantial parts of another volume, Seeing Through Bodies: Literature, the Visual Arts, and the Historicity of Representation.

Fellowship Work Summary, 2000–01

Mario Klarer spent his time working on his project entitled “Still Lives: Tableaux Vivants and the Construction of Victorian Femininity.”