Joshua Landy (NHC Fellow, 2011–12)
Project Title
Literature, Narrative, and the Shape of a Life
Stanford University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2011–12
Joshua Landy made substantial progress on his book Literature, Narrative, and the Shape of a Life, and completed work on How to Do Things with Fictions, published by Oxford University Press (2012). He also completed "Formative Fictions: Imaginative Literature and the Training of the Capacities" for Poetics Today (2012); "Deceit, Desire, and the Literature Professor: Why Girardians Exist" for Republics of Letters (2012); "Conditional Goods and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: How Literature (as a Whole) Could Matter Again" (forthcoming in SubStance); and two essays for Philosophy and Literature, "Proust among the Psychologists" (2011) and "The Devil, the Master-Criminal, and the Re-Enchantment of the World" (2012).