Nicolas Jan Bock, 2008–2009 | National Humanities Center

Nicolas Bock (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)

Project Title

About Titles

Université de Lausanne

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2008–09

Nicolas Bock pursued a book project, About Titles: Structure, Historical Development, and Rhetorical Function of Tituli in Works of Art from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century. He also wrote "Patronage, Standards and transfert culturel: Naples between Art History and Social Science Theory" for Art and Architecture in the Kingdom of Naples, 1266-1713: New Approaches (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009); "Stile e colore. Problemi d'approccio nella scultura policroma del Quattrocento" for Pietra e colore. Conoscenza, conservazione e restauro della policromia (Istituto Storico Lucchese, 2009); and "René d'Anjou: Art et propagande" for René d'Anjou, écrivain et mécène (1409-1480) (Brepols, forthcoming).