Janny H. C. Leung (NHC Fellow, 2020–21)

Fellowship Work Summary, 2020–21
Janny H. C. Leung completed two papers on her project, including “The Audience Problem in Online Speech Crimes,” which will appear with Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law in 2021, and “Pragmatic Deficiency in Content Moderation: A Glimpse from the First Decisions by Facebook’s Oversight Board,” which is currently under revision. The papers will be adapted into chapters in her book in progress, Public and Private Regulation of Global Public Speech. During her time with the NHC, she also revised her journal manuscript, “The Life and Death of a Protest Anthem at the Frontier of a New Cold War,” which came out in Volume 24 of Law Text Culture, 2021. She also revised two papers she coauthored with Liu Y., including “Corpus Insights into the Harmonization of Commercial Media in China: News Coverage of Migrant Worker Issues as a Case Study,” which came out with Discourse, Context & Media in 2021, and “‘Touching a Tiger’s Buttocks’? Probing the Legal Consciousness of Chinese Migrant Workers.”