Steven Mullaney (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)
Project Title
Affective Domains: The Symbolic Economy of the Early Modern Subject
University of Michigan
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Fellowship Work Summary, 1991–92
Steven Mullaney researched and wrote one-third of his next book, Affective Domains: The Symbolic Economy of the Early Modern Subject, and completed an essay, "Discursive Forums, Cultural Practices: History and Anthropology in Literary Studies," forthcoming in The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences: Essays on Transformation in the Disciplines, edited by Terrence J. McDonald (University of Michigan Press). He devoted part of the year to organizing and planning an NEH Summer Seminar—"lnventing the New World: Texts, Contexts, Approaches"—and to consulting at the Folger Library on an upcoming exhibit, "New World of Wonder."