Miriam Posner, 2023–24 | National Humanities Center

Miriam Posner (NHC Fellow, 2023–24)

Project Title

Seeing Like a Supply Chain: The Hidden Life of Logistics

University of California, Los Angeles

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2023–24

Miriam Posner is assistant professor at the University of California, Los Angeles Department of Information Studies. She is also a digital humanities scholar with interests in labor, race, feminism, and the history and philosophy of data. Her PhD, in film studies and American studies, is from Yale University. She has published widely on technology, data, and the humanities, including pieces in Logic, The Guardian, and The New Yorker. At the National Humanities Center, Miriam is at work on a book about the technology of global supply chains, under contract with Yale University Press.

Selected Publications

  • Posner, Miriam. “Supply Chain.” Theory and Event 25, no. 1 (January 2022): 178–80.
  • Posner, Miriam. “Supply Chain.” In Uncertain Archives: Critical Keywords for Big Data, edited by Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, Daniela Agostinho, Annie Ring, Catherine D’Ignazio, and Kristin Veel, 659–67. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021.
  • Klein, Lauren, and Miriam Posner. “Data.” In Keywords for American Cultural Studies, edited by Bruce Burgett and Glenn Hendler, 82–85. 3rd ed. New York: New York University Press, 2020.
  • Posner, Miriam. “Breakpoints and Black Boxes: Information in Global Supply Chains.” Postmodern Culture 31, no. 3 (May 2021).
  • Booth, Alison, and Miriam Posne. “The Materials at Hand.” PMLA: Proceedings of the Modern Language Association 135, no. 1 (January 2020): 9–22.