Andrew P. Debicki (NHC Fellow, 1979–80; 1992–93)
Project Title, 1979–80
Poetic Form and Reader Experience in Post-Civil War Spanish Poetry
University of Kansas
Project Title, 1992–93
A New History of Contemporary Spanish Poetry
University of Kansas
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 1992–93
Andrew P. Debicki completed a book tentatively titled “Modernity and Beyond: A New History of Contemporary Spanish Poetry,” to be published by the University Press of Kentucky in 1994. He also wrote articles on Pedro Salinas and Miguel Hernandez for collections that will be published in Spain; an essay on subversion and intertextuality in recent Spanish poetry, accepted by Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature, a brief piece on Jorge Guillén, which appeared in Insula; and another on José Olivio Jiménez, forthcoming in Anthropos.