Stanley Hauerwas (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)
Project Title
A History of the Development of Christian Ethics as a Discipline in America
Duke University
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Fellowship Work Summary, 1992–93
Stanley Hauerwas completed Unleashing the Scriptures: Freeing the Bible from Captivity to America (Abingdon Press, 1993) and revised many of the pieces and wrote the introduction for Dispatches from the Front: Theological Intervention into the Secular, a collection of his essays published by Duke University Press in 1993. In addition, he made considerable progress on another book-length project, "A History of the De-velopment of Christian Ethics as a Discipline in America: A Promising Obituary." He worked on a variety of articles: "A Non-Violent Proposal for Christian Participation in the Cultural Wars," (Soundings, Winter, 1992); "The Difference of Virtue and the Difference It Makes: Courage Exemplified" (Modern Theology, Summer 1993); "Reinhold Niebuhr: Preacher" (Encyclopedia of Preaching, forthcoming); "Why The Politics of Jesus Should Not Be Read As a Classic" Christian Century, forthcoming as part of the series of religious classics); "Homage to Mary and the University of Notre Dame" (South Atlantic 10 Quarterly, forthcoming); "Political Righteousness" (Quarterly Review, forthcoming); and "Christians Unfit for Military" (distributed by the Religious News Service).