Bruce Kapferer (NHC Fellow, 2004–05)
Project Title
Cosmologies of Healing: Ritual Systems in Comparative Perspective
University of Bergen
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2004–05
Bruce Kapferer wrote the introduction (with Angela Hobart) and a chapter, "Sorcery and Beauty," for Aesthetics in Performance: Formations of Symbolic Construction and Experience, which he coedited with Angela Hobart, and two chapters for volumes he edited: "Introduction: Oligarchic and Corporate Power and the State" for Oligarchs and Oligarchies and "Introduction: The Social Construction of Reductionist Thought and Practice" for The Retreat of the Social: The Rise and Rise of Reductionism. All three volumes will be published by Berghahn Books in 2005. He wrote two chapters, "Ritual and the Virtual" and "Dynamics of Ritual Formation," that will appear in Theorizing Rituals: Classical Topics, Theoretical Approaches, Analytical Concepts, edited by Jens Kreinath, Jan Snoek, and Michael Strausberg, Numen Book series (Brill, 2005), and completed three out of eight chapters for a book monograph, The Philosophical Depth of Ritual. He wrote a journal article, "New Formations of Power: The Oligarchic-Corporate State and Anthropological Ideological Discourse," for Anthropological Theory (Sage Publications) (in press); and another one, "Wild Sovereignties," for the Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (Jordan) (in press).