Christopher Witmore (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)
Project Title
Old Lands: A Chorography of the Eastern Morea, Greece
Texas Tech University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2014–15
Christopher Witmore completed seven chapters and wrote a substantial portion of fifteen others for his book Old Lands: A Chorography of the Eastern Morea, Greece. He also wrote “No Past But Within Things: A Cave and Archaeology in the Form of a Dialogue” for inclusion in The Allegory of the Cave Painting Reader; “Things Are the Grounds of All Archaeology” for “Clashes of Times: Archaeology in the Age of Presentism,” a special volume of the Journal of Contemporary Archaeology; and “The Antiquity of Time” for “Travelling Temporalities: Explorations in Non-Linear and Multilayered Time,” a special issue of the Journal of the Royal Anthropology Institute. He cowrote “Teillager 6, Sværholt: The Archaeology of a POW Camp in Finnmark, Arctic Norway” for Fennoscandia Archaeologica (2014) and “Archaeology, Symmetry, and the Ontology of Things: A Response to Critics” for Archaeological Dialogues (2015).