Tsitsi Ella Jaji (NHC Fellow, 2017–18)
Project Title
Cassava Westerns: Black Revisions of The American Frontier Myth
Duke University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2017–18
Tsitsi Ella Jaji completed Mother Tongues, a book of poetry, accepted by Northwestern University Press as the winner of the 2018 Cave Canem Second Book Prize. She also coedited special issues on The Performance of Pan-Africanism for the journals World Art and Interventions (forthcoming, 2018) as well as a special dossier of Research in African Literature on the same. She completed revisions for three articles: "Bingo Magazine in the Age of Pan-African Festivals: A Feminist Archive of Global Black Consciousness?" (Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, forthcoming), "Imagining Sound: On Carter Mathes's Experimental Reading Practice" (College Literature, forthcoming), and "On Pacing: On Tempo and Literary Scale" (Modernism/modernity, 2018). She also published three poems: "Ritual Object" for the Poetry Foundation's Poem-A-Day (poets.org) in May 2018, "On the Isle of Lesbos," in Harvard Review in March 2018, and "And They Didn't Die," in Meridians in 2018.