Carla M. Antonaccio (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)

Fellowship Work Summary, 1999–00
Carla M. Antonaccio wrote an introduction and two chapters, and drafted a third chapter, of her forthcoming book entitled Excavating Colonization (under contract with the University of Texas Press). She revised an article entitled "Colonization and Acculturation," to appear in Ancient Perceptions of Greek Ethnicity, edited by I. Malkin (Harvard University Press, in press). She wrote an article entitled "Warriors, Traders, Ancestors: The 'Heroes' of Lefkandi," to be included in a forthcoming book, Images of Ancestors Århus Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology), and another article entitled "Siculo-Geometric and the Sikels: Identity and Material Culture in Eastern Sicily," for a volume called Greek Identity in the Western Mediterranean, edited by K. Lomas (under contract with E. J. Brill). She reviewed several books for the Bryn Mawr Classical Review, the American Journal of Archaeology, and the American Journal of Philology.