J. R. Green (NHC Fellow, 1991–92)
Project Title
Art and the Theatre in the Ancient World
The University of Sydney
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 1991–92
J. R. Green completed a large portion of Greek Theatre and Society, to be published by Routledge, and collaborated with E.W. Handley on planning the next book, The Theatre of the Greeks. He wrote a number of essays: "Theatrical Motifs in Non-theatrical Contexts on Vases of the Later Fifth and Fourth Centuries" for a forthcoming festschrift; "Polis: Theatre: Symposium" for Classical Comedy and the Polis; "Theatre" for Cambridge Ancient History; "Oral Tragedies? A Question from St. Petersburg" for Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, and "Three Teano Vases" and "Four Theatre Objects" for Treasures from the Nicholson Museum (Mainz: von Zabern, 1993).