Herbert F. Tucker (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)

Fellowship Work Summary, 2000–01
Herbert F. Tucker wrote eight chapters of his book The Proof of Epic in Britain, 1790–1910, and the article "Epic" that has been accepted for publication in A Companion to Victorian Poetry, edited by Antony Harrison et al. (Blackwell, forthcoming, 2002). As co-editor (with Dorothy Mermin), he did extensive editing on a teaching anthology, entitled Victorian Literature, 1830–1900, just published by Harcourt. He put the finishing touches on two essays: "Literal Illustration in Victorian Print" (accepted for publication in The Victorian Illustrated Book, edited by Richard Maxwell (University Press of Virginia, forthcoming, 2002), and "Arnold and the Authorization of Criticism" (accepted for publication in Interpreting the Victorians, edited by Suzy Anger (Cornell University Press, forthcoming, 2001).