Sucheta Mazumdar (NHC Fellow, 2007–08)
Project Title
From the Slave Trade to the Opium Rush: The America-China Trade
Duke University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2007–08
Sucheta Mazumdar drafted two chapters and completed research for From the Slave Trade to the Opium Rush: The America-China Trade, and finished editing Asia, Europe and the Dialectic of Modernity. In addition, she wrote “Sugar, Silk, and Sweet Potatoes: Women and Family Provisioning in Rural China” for a special issue on “Sweetness and Power: New Perspectives on Sidney Mintz” of Food and Foodways: Explorations in the History and Culture of Human Nourishment, and “Empire and Migration: The Making of a Transnational World” for the Dictionary of Transnational History (Palgrave Macmillan Press, forthcoming 2009).