Rowena Xiaoqing He, 2022–23 | National Humanities Center

Rowena Xiaoqing He (NHC Fellow, 2022–23)

Project Title

One Generation, Two Loyalties?: Evening Chats in Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2022–23

Rowena Xiaoqing He completed chapters on her proposed project Evening Chats in Hong Kong, a major part of her manuscript in progress, Memory as Resistance: from Tiananmen to Hong Kong. She spent long hours reading primary sources, sorting out and translating data of interviews and group discussions, and conducting research of literature. She drafted chapters on memory erasure, historical amnesia, and political socialization of youths and its relationship to student nationalism in the context of post-Tiananmen Patriotic Education. She is completing her book proposal and sample chapters for submission to publishers.