Michelle A. Masse (NHC Fellow, 1999–00)
Project Title
The Mirror of Fashion: Critical Expectations and the Work of Louisa May Alcott
Louisiana State University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 1999–00
Michelle A. Masse wrote two chapters for her book entitled The Mirror of Fashion: Critical Expectations and the Work of Louisa May Alcott. Her other writing included "Report on Faculty Ranks and Reviews by a Commission at Louisiana State University and A&M College" (with Ravi Rau, Gene Wittkopf, and Ralph Kinney), forthcoming in Academe: Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors 86 (May/June 2000); "Melodramas of Beset (Real) Womanhood: Women Narrating Feminism in Academia" for Concerns: A Publication of the Women's Caucus for the Modern Language Association 27 (spring/summer 2000); "Time in a Bottle: Narcissism, Aging, and the Novel of Formation" for a collection based on the 1999 Obermann Seminar on Aging; "Constructing the Psychoanalytic Child: Freud's History of an Infantile Neurosis for Studies in Romanticism; and "Reproducing Administration: Women, Power, and Academia" (under review). She wrote reviews of several books for Aging and Human Identity; Modern Fiction Studies; and Novel: A Forum on Fiction.