Sean Keilen (NHC Fellow, 2006–07)
Project Title
The Classical Tradition in English Literature: The Friendship of the Ancients and the Moderns
University of Pennsylvania
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Fellowship Work Summary, 2006–07
Sean Keilen coedited (with Leonard Barkan and Bradin Cormack) The Forms of Renaissance Thought: New Essays on Literature and Culture (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming), and wrote an essay, "English Literature in Its Golden Age," for the volume. He worked on another book, Imitation and Tradition in Renaissance Poetry, to be published by Yale University Press. In addition, he wrote an article on "The Metamorphoses, Its Tradition, and the Work of Art" for MLA Approaches to Teaching Ovid and Ovidianism, edited by Barbara Boyd and Cora Fox (MLA, forthcoming 2008), and started another on "Jonson's Classicism" for The Renaissance, volume 2 of the Oxford History of the Classical Reception in English Literature, edited by Patrick Cheney and Philip Hardie (forthcoming 2010). Keilen has accepted a new position as Lecturer in English at Princeton University.