Maura K. Lafferty (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)
Project Title
The Empress of Languages: Latin in the Middle Ages
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2001–02
Maura K. Lafferty completed the research for two major sections of her book entitled The Empress of Languages: Latin in the Middle Ages. She wrote two articles for submission to journals: "Translating Faith from Greek to Latin: Romanitas and Christianitas in Late Fourth-Century Rome and Milan," and "Feeding, Not Reading: Women's Virtues in Irish Saints' Lives." Her review of Joseph Farrell's Latin Language and Latin Culture (Cambridge, 2001) will appear in Classical World, and one on Alexanderdictung im Mittelalter, edited by Jan Cölln (Göttingen, 2000) will appear in the Journal of Medieval Latin.