Mary Kinzie (NHC Fellow, 2005–06)
Project Title
The Poems I Am Not Writing: A Meditation in Verse
Northwestern University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2005–06
Mary Kinzie wrote "The Water-brooks," along with eleven other poems for her next volume, forthcoming in 2007 from Knopf. Her first poem written in North Carolina, called "Facing North," appeared in the Massachusetts Review (vol. 47, no. 2, 2006) and a 3-poem suite, "California Sorrow," appeared in Poetry magazine (June 2006). Her translation of Hugo von Hofmannsthal's poem "Erlebnis," with commentary, was also published in Poetry (April 2006). In addition, she translated Rilke's "Fifth Duino Elegy" and several shorter poems by Rilke, Celan, and Goethe.