Elizabeth Anne Payne (NHC Fellow, 2008–09)
Project Title
Shattering White Solidarity: A History of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union
The University of Mississippi
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2008–09
Elizabeth Anne Payne wrote two chapters of Shattering White Solidarity: A History of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union, under contract with Johns Hopkins University Press. She wrote the introduction and coauthored "The Forgotten Grandmother, African-American Memory, and Lives of Service in Northern Mississippi" for Mississippi Women: Their Histories, Their Lives, vol. 2 (University of Georgia Press, forthcoming); wrote the preface for a book of essays Writing Women's History: A Tribute to Anne Firor Scott, which she edited; and drafted the introduction for a book on Louise Boyle's photographs of Myrtle Lawrence and the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union. She also completed " 'Makin' Do: Rural Women Coping with Difficult Times," a video documentary which she directed, for the Department of History and Center for Media Production and Documentary Projects at the University of Mississippi.