Mart A. Stewart (NHC Fellow, 2002–03)
Project Title
Climate and Culture in American History
Western Washington University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2002–03
Mart A. Stewart revised one chapter, drafted two chapters, and began rough drafts of two more chapters for his book, Culture and Climate in America. He completed a new preface for the paperback edition of his book "What Nature Suffers to Groe": Life, Labor, and Landscape on the Georgia Coast, 1680-1920 (University of Georgia, 2002); entries on "Agent Orange," "Defoliation," and "Gardens" for the Encyclopedia of World Environmental History, edited by Shepard Krech III, John R. McNeill, and Carolyn Merchant (Berskhire Publishing Group/Routledge, 2003); essays on the "Chesapeake Bay Region: Early Tobacco South" and "Plantation Economy and Labor in the U.S. South" in Atlas of U.S. and Canadian Environmental History, edited by Char Miller (Moschovitis Group/Routledge, 2003); and a book review of Conevery Bolton Valenčius's The Health of the Country: How American Settlers Understood Themselves and Their Land, forthcoming in the Journal of Southern History. He also drafted an essay on slavery and the environment to be published in a collection, To Love the Wind and Rain: Essays in African American Environmental History, edited by Dianne Glave and Mark Stoll (University of Pittsburgh Press, forthcoming, 2005), and another essay on teaching American Studies in Vietnam.