Melissa Meriam Bullard (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)
Project Title
Letters of Lorenzo de'Medici and the Language of Diplomacy in the Renaissance
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 1998–99
Melissa Meriam Bullard spent the year working on the Lettere di Lorenzo de Medici, volume XI, a critical edition with comprehensive historical commentary, to be published by the Istituto Nazionale di Studi Sul Rinascimento in Florence. She also wrote an article, "Living in the World, but Not of It: Spirituality and Ethical Life in the Renaissance," for a forthcoming volume entitled The World of Savonarola: Italian Elites in Crisis, 1494-1519, edited by Christine Shaw et al. She gave the Westmont Erasmus Society Lecture, on "Renaissance Spirituality and Ethical Life," in Santa Barbara. At the annual meeting of the American Historical Association in Washington, she presented a paper entitled "Secrecy and Power in Premodern Europe," and chaired a session on "Immigration in the Renaissance."