John D. Wong (NHC Fellow, 2021–22)
Project Title
Hong Kong Takes Flight: Commercial Aviation and the Making of Hong Kong, 1930s–1998
The University of Hong Kong
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2021–22
John D. Wong finished, revised, proofread, and indexed his monograph Hong Kong Takes Flight, Commercial Aviation and the Making of a Global Hub, 1930s–1998 (Harvard University Press, 2022). He also published two articles: "Constructing the Legitimacy of Governance in Hong Kong: ‘Prosperity and Stability’ Meets ‘Democracy and Freedom’" in the Journal of Asian Studies, (Vol. 81, 1: January 2022); and "Flexible Corporate Nationality: Transforming Cathay Pacific for the Shifting Geopolitics of Hong Kong in the Closing Decades of British Colonial Rule" in Enterprise and Society, (Vol. 23, 2: June 2022). Wong also has two forthcoming articles: “The Ongoing Business of Chinese Language Reform: A View from the Periphery of Hong Kong in the Last Half Century,” in Modern China and “‘Made in Hong Kong’: Deriving Value from the Place-of-Origin Label, 1950s and now,” Modern Asian Studies.