Patricia Curd (NHC Fellow, 2001–02; 2009–10) | National Humanities Center

Patricia Curd (NHC Fellow, 2001–02; 2009–10)

Project Title, 2001–02

Anaxagoras of Clazomenae

Purdue University

Project Title, 2009–10

Divinity, Intelligibility, and Human Understanding in Presocratic Thought

Purdue University

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2001–02

Patricia Curd worked on translations and essays for her book on Anaxagoras of Clazomenae: Fragments. A Text and Translation with Introduction and Commentary which has been commissioned for the Phoenix Presocratics Series, published by the University of Toronto Press. She completed an article, “The Presocratics as Philosophers,” for a volume entitled Qu’est-ce que la Philosophie présocratique?, edited by André Laks and Claire Louguet (Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2002), and another article, “Unity and Plurality in Presocratic Thought: Parmenides and After,” which is forthcoming in A Companion to Ancient Philosophy, edited by M. L. Gill and P. Pellegrin (Blackwell).

Fellowship Work Summary, 2009–10

Patricia Curd wrote three chapters of her book Divinity, Intelligibility, and Human Thought in Early Greek Philosophy; prepared a second edition of A Presocratics Reader (Hackett Publishing); and wrote “New Work on the Presocratics” for the Journal of the History of Philosophy.