Ana Mariella Bacigalupo (NHC Fellow, 2009–10; 2023–24)
Project Title, 2023–24
The Subversive Politics of Sentient Mountains: Collective Ethics and Climate Justice in Northern Peru
University at Buffalo
Project Title, 2009–10
Shamanic Memory and Historical Consciousness: The Making of Francisca Colipe and Her Mapuche Community in Chile
University at Buffalo
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Fellowship Work Summary, 2023–24
Ana Mariella Bacigalupo made substantial progress on her book Shamanic Memory and Historical Consciousness: The Making of Francisca Colipe and Her Mapuche Community in Chile, under contract with University of Texas Press. She also contributed chapters for two edited volumes: “Mapuche Shamans in Chile: Ritual Gendered Relationships and Forms of Personhood” in Indigenous Women and Religion (ABC-CLIO/Praeger Press) and “Las Mujeres Machi en el Siglo XX–XI: ¿Personificación de la Tradición o Desafío a las Normas de Género?” in Historia de la Mujer en Chile Siglos XX–XI (Editorial Taurus). In addition, she wrote “Mobile Spirits and the Merging and Mythologizing of Individual Histories: Machi Rosa, the Mapuche-German Patagonian Shaman Who Saved the World” for the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute; “The Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Mapuche Shaman: Remembering, Forgetting and the Willful Transformation of Memory” for the Journal of Anthropological Research (2010); “El Hombre Mapuche que se convirtió en Mujer Chamán: Individualidad, Transgresión de Género y Normas Culturales en Pugna” for Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena; and “Relaciones de Género Ritual: Parentesco, Matrimonio, Dominio y Modalidades de Persona de los Chamanes Mapuche” for Scipta Ethnologica.
Fellowship Work Summary, 2009–10
Ana Mariella Bacigalupo drafted four chapters of her book in progress The Subversive Politics of Sentient Landscapes: Collective Ethics and Climate Justice in Northern Peru. She also coedited, with Carlos Manrique and Carlota McAlister, Subversive Religion and More-than-human Materialities in Latin America, which came out in May with Indiana University Press. Bacigalupo wrote six articles for academic journals, all forthcoming in 2024: “Cannibalistic Exchanges with Ancestor Mountains: Moral Economies of Gold Mining in Northern Peru for the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology; “Pan-indigenous Moral Cosmopolitics: Subversive Mountains and Climate Justice in Northern Coastal Peru” for American Religion; “Climate Crises and Postapocalyptic Futures: Visionary Landscapes in Northern Peru” for the Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture; “The Flesh of Justice in Latin America” (with Carlos Manrique and Carlota Mcalister) for American Religion; “Queering the Spirit of the Law: Mapuche Shamanic Justice in Judge Karen Atala’s LGBT Child Custody Case against the Chilean State” (with Fabien Le Bonniec) for the Journal of Anthropological Research; and “Desafíos de la Política Ontológica Interétnica: Relaciones Conflictivas con Cerros Abuelos en el Norte del Perú” for Scripta Ethnologica Nueva Época. Bacigalupo also revised and proofread “Embodying, Reshaping, and Combining the Past and the Future: A Mapuche Shaman’s Historical Agency in Chile” for Spirit-based Traditions of the Americas, edited by Benjamin Hebblethwaite (University of Nebraska Press, 2023). Her essay “The Mapuche Man Who Became a Woman Shaman: Selfhood, Gender Transgression, and Competing Cultural Norms” appeared in American Ethnologist Special Virtual Issue Transitions: Fifty Years of Writing on Gender, Sexuality, and LGBTQ+ Identities on November 7, 2023.