Helena Rosenblatt (NHC Fellow, 2000–01)
Project Title
Benjamin Constant (1767-1830) and the Religious Underpinnings of Liberalism
Independent Scholar (Switzerland)
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2000–01
Helena Rosenblatt did research for and began writing her book, entitled Benjamin Constant and the Religious Underpinnings of Liberalism. She wrote an article, entitled "On the 'Misogyny' of Rousseau: The 'Letter to d'Alembert' in Historical Context," for a forthcoming issue of French Historical Studies (winter 2002), and another one, entitled "Interpreting Adolphe: The Sexual Politics of Benjamin Constant," for a special edition of the journal Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques. She contributed entries on "Luxury," "Civil Society," and "Switzerland" for The Oxford University Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment (in press) and drafted a review of Rita Hermon-Belot's L'Abbé Grégoire, la politique et la vérité (Seuil, 2000) and The Abbé Grégoire and His World, edited by Jeremy Popkin and Richard Popkin (Kluwer, 2000), for the journal Eighteenth-Century Studies.