Edward H. Friedman, 1998–1999 | National Humanities Center

Edward H. Friedman (NHC Fellow, 1998–99)

Project Title

Guzman de Alfarache and the Development of Narrative Realism

Indiana University Bloomington

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Fellowship Work Summary, 1998–99

Edward H. Friedman completed research on his project, Guzmán de Alfarache and the Poetics of Authority in Early Modern Spain, and drafted three chapters. He revised and wrote an introductory study for Wit's End, his adaptation of Lope de Vega's comedy La dama boba, and revised an essay on María de Zayas's novella El jardín engañoso for a volume on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spanish women writers. He also reviewed books for Choice, Hispania, Hispanic Review, and Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. He gave a number of lectures, including "Cervantes, María de Zayas, and the Rhetoric of Idealism," at Duke University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Michigan, and the University of Chicago; "Metonymy and the Spanish Golden Age Sonnet," at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; "María de Zayas y el arte de narrar," at Meredith College; "How to Read Don Quixote," at Hampden-Sydney College; and "Don Quixote at the Millennium," at Elon College. At the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association in San Francisco, he presented a paper entitled "Memories Made and Deferred in Josefina Aldecoa's Historia de una maestra and Mujeres de negro." He participated in a round-table discussion on "Crossing the Border: Intra-European Intertextuality in the Early Modern Period," at the Carolina Conference on Romance Languages, held at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He served on the selection committee for research grants (for Spain, Italy, and Portugal) for the Fulbright Scholar Program, Council for International Exchange of Scholars. He was a consultant for the Latin American Studies Program at Elon College, and for the Center for Western European Studies Program at Kalamazoo College.