Jeff Love (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)
Project Title
The Black Square: Alexandre Kojeve's Challenge to Philosophy
Clemson University
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2014–15
Jeff Love wrote a complete draft of The Black Square: Alexandre Kojeve’s Challenge to Philosophy. He wrote a journal article on “Kojeve and Active Negation” and coauthored five others: “A Troubling Banality” (on Arendt), “Heidegger’s Metapolitics,” “Heidegger’s Apocalypticism,” “Heidegger’s Esotericism,” and “The Philosophy of Origins” (on Heidegger and Rousseau). He also worked on a translation of Kojeve’s Atheism (1931), an edited volume on Nietzsche and Dostoevsky, and an edited volume on Heidegger in Russia.