Deborah Lyons (NHC Fellow, 1997–98)
Project Title
Women as Gifts and Givers: An Economics of Gender in Ancient Greece
University of Rochester
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 1997–98
Deborah Lyons drafted three chapters and did research for the remaining three chapters of her book on gender and gift exchange in ancient Greece (under contract with Princeton University Press). She also wrote reviews of books on anthropology and classics for the American Ethnologist, on the legacy of Greek mythology in art for the American Journal of Archaeology, and on women in academia for the Women's Classical Caucus Newsletter. She gave papers on various aspects of her project at a number of universities: "A Family Romance: Sisters and Brothers in Greek Myth and Tragedy" at Duke University; "The Trojan War, the Crisis of Reciprocity, and the Traffic in Women" at the University of Iowa; and "Dangerous Gifts: Marriage, Agency, and Exchange in Greek Myth" at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and at Greensboro.