Lucio Riccetti (NHC Fellow, 1992–93)
Project Title
From Social History to Spiritual Metaphoir: Orvieto in the Mirror of Its Cathedral
Independent Scholar (Italy)
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 1992–93
Lucio Riccetti wrote the bibliographic essay for and completed his book on the Orvieto cathedral. He planned and began a new book, The Reliefs on the Facade of Orvieto Cathedral: The Workshop in the Period of Lorenzo Maitani (1310-30), with photographs by David Finn, which will be published in the United States by Mayer & Britt and in Italy by Leonardo Arte. He provided five entries on the Filippeschi family for the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani and worked on two essays: "11 costo dell'acqua (Orvieto: citta e cantiere del Duomo, secoli XIV-XV)," to be published by Ecole Franqaise de Rome, and "Opere cittadine e propaganda politica nelle citta italiane medievali," which he presented at an international conference.