David B. Wong (NHC Fellow, 2007–08)
Project Title
Chinese Philosophy, Moral Psychology, and Practical Reason
Duke University
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Fellowship Work Summary, 2007–08
David B. Wong worked on a book manuscript that explores Chinese perspectives on the good life. He wrote two essays: "Cultural Pluralism and Moral Identity" for Moral Self-Identity and Character (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming), and "Pluralism and Ambivalence" for Relativism: A Compendium (Columbia University Press, forthcoming). He also wrote a response to commentaries on his recent book, Natural Moralities: A Defense of Pluralistic Relativism, that will appear in Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, and coauthored two articles: "Pettit on Holism" (with Gary Comstock; see p. 14), and "Communitarianism and Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Globalization and Culture" (with Nichole Hassoun).