Bonna Daix Wescoat, 2014–2015 | National Humanities Center

Bonna Daix Wescoat (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

Project Title

The Sanctuary of the Great Gods

Emory University

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2014–15

Bonna Daix Wescoat worked on her book Island of Great Gods: Samothrace and Its Sanctuary and made final preparations for Samothrace, vol. 9, The Monuments of the Eastern Hill (forthcoming from the American School of Classical Studies at Athens). She wrote several book chapters for inclusion in edited volumes: “Recalibrating Samothracian Architecture” in L’architecture grecque au IIIe s. a.C.; “The Temple of Athena at Assos and Architectural Expectations” in Assos-Kolloquium 15.–17. November 2012, Cottbus; “The Pilgrim’s Passage through the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace” in Excavating Pilgrimage: Archaeological Approaches to Sacred Travel and Movement from Classical Greece; and “Hellenistic Temples” in Greek Architecture. In addition, she cowrote “Seeing the Parthenon Frieze: Notes from Nashville” in Greek Art in Context.