Frances Ferguson (Trustee; NHC Fellow, 2003–04)
Project Title
Childhood and Citizenship in Political Liberalism
Johns Hopkins University
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Fellowship Work Summary, 2003–04
Frances Ferguson wrote two chapters of her book project on education and political liberalism, under the working title What Children Taught Political Philosophy, and coedited (with Helen R. Elam) a collection of essays, The Wordsworthian Enlightenment: Essays in Honor of Geoffrey Hartman (Johns Hopkins University Press, forthcoming). She wrote an essay, "Organic Form and Its Consequences," that has been accepted for publication in a volume of essays, Land, Nation, Culture, being edited by Peter de Bolla et al.; and another essay, "Emotion and Belief: From Stanley Fish to Jeremy Bentham," accepted for publication in a volume of essays on the passions, being edited by Victoria Kahn and Neil Saccamano. Her article on "Coherence and Changes in the Invisible World" appeared in New Literary History, vol. 35, no. 2 (2004), and one on "Comparing the Literatures: Textualism and Globalism" will appear in the journal ELH (English Literary History). In addition she wrote "A Response to Roger Chartier" for Critical Inquiry. Ferguson has accepted a new position as George W. Pullman Professor of English at the University of Chicago.