David Brakke, 2022–23 | National Humanities Center

David Brakke (NHC Fellow, 2022–23)

Project Title

A Religion of the Books: The New Testament and Other Early Christian Scriptural Practices

The Ohio State University

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2022–23

David Brakke drafted five chapters of his work-in-progress, A Religion of the Books: The New Testament and Other Early Christian Scriptural Practices. For a second project, The Secret Book (Apocryphon) of James: Introduction, Translation and Commentary, he created a draft translation of the ancient work and a book proposal. He completed two chapters for edited volumes, “Monks, Soldiers, and Barbarians: Monastic Communities and Armed Conflict in Late Ancient Egypt, Palestine, and the Sinai,” to appear in Warfare and Community in Late Antiquity, edited by Susanna Elm and Kristina Sessa; and “Presidential Address: Navigating Separation and Reunion with Athanasius of Alexandria’s Festal Letters,” in Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Brussels, edited by Alain Delattre (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta).