James McKinnon (NHC Fellow, 1993–94)
Project Title
A Prehistory of Gregorian Chant
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 1993–94
James McKinnon revised his medieval volume of Source Readings in Music History, edited by Oliver Strunk (W.W. Norton, fall 1994), and prepared the outline for a new book-length work, The Advent Project: The Pre-history of Gregorian Chant. He also wrote a number of articles: "Properization: The Roman Mass," to appear in Cantus Planus V (Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences); "The Roman Advent Project," to be published in Le chant liturgique a Rome, XI-XV siécles (Royaumont Foundation, France, 1995); "The Central Problem of Gregorian Chant," for Beginning the Middle Ages: Continuity and Change (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995); and "Frühchristliche Musik," "Introitus," and "Jubal" for the second edition of Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart.