Matthew J. Smith (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)
Project Title
Onward Forward: A Social History of Jamaican Music, 1950-1980
The University of the West Indies, Mona
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2018–19
Matthew J. Smith drafted eight chapters of his work in progress, Onward Forward: A Social History of Jamaican Music, 1950–1980. He revised and submitted the final version of The Jamaica Reader: History, Culture, Politics, coedited with Diana Paton (Duke University Press, forthcoming 2020). He wrote the foreword for Patti Marxsen’s biographical study, Jacques Roumain: A Life of Resistance (Caribbean Studies Press, 2019); revised and submitted the article “A Tale of Two Tragedies: Remembering and Forgetting Kingston (1907) and Port-au-Prince (2010)” for Karibe: Nordic Journal of Caribbean Studies (forthcoming June 2019); revised and submitted “Loving and Leaving the New Jamaica: Reckoning with the 1960s,” for Memory, Migration and (De) colonisation in the Caribbean and Beyond, edited by Jack Webb (Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London Press, forthcoming); and wrote, directed, and produced Disturbance 1968 (27 min.) on the banning of revolutionary intellectual Walter Rodney from Jamaica. The film was included as part of a museum exhibition at the University of the West Indies, Mona (Jamaica). Smith also began work on Volume 3 of The Cambridge History of the Caribbean (3 vols) (Cambridge University Press).